Running Back To You✨

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Invincible Era  

Requested by @blissfulrenee . Hope you enjoy! 

"And five, six, seven, eight,"

The beat of Vanessa Williams's "Running Back To You" dropped as you moved your hips in time with the music. Your eyes scanned the mirrors, making sure your dancers kept up with you.

You'd been dancing almost everyday for most of your life but you'd never grown tired of it.

There was nothing else in the world that made you feel more alive, more free and more powerful than dancing. It started out with dancing around the living room with your siblings while your parents played records. Even at a young age, you had an advanced sense of rhythm and people would stop and stare when you danced.

You couldn't seem to get enough of it. Some people had other vices that gripped them but you were a slave to the rhythm.

Your passion led to you starting the first dance team at your high school and as soon as you graduated you went off to California to take contemporary classes and get your start.

You'd had great success in Hollywood and had danced for some of the biggest names, eventually going on to choreograph your own successful routines.

You were no longer the spring chicken you once were when you'd first shuffled your way into Hollywood and now spent most of your time in New York teaching classes. It wasn't always as exciting as being an active dancer but you still enjoyed every minute of it.

The track ended as you struck a final pose, the other puffing for air. You wiped the sweat off your brow and took in a deep breath before turning to face your students.

"Well, that's all for today," you chirped. "Next class will fine-tune the routine and work on the old one. Take care!"

You waved to your students as they shuffled out of the studio, the sounds of footsteps bouncing off the hardwood floors. There was always a small sense of sadness that lingered in the studio whenever your sessions were over.

You shrugged into your jacket and grabbed your purse, trudging out of the studio into the busy streets of New York. You were due to meet your good friend Rashida for dinner at one of your favorite Chinese spots.

New York was a world's difference from L. A  but you still loved it very much. You couldn't decide which city you loved the most.

"Don't you ever get tired of teaching?" Rashida asked as you munched on your Mongolian beef.

You'd been chatting about the latest choreography that you were working on and your friend seemed bored. Rashida was also a dancer but was much more active in her career. She hadn't let the fact that she was pushing forty stop her from booking gigs on Broadway.

"Why would I?" You shrug. "I work regularly and I still get to do what love,"

Rashida sighs before picking up an eggroll.

"I don't believe you, Y/N. There's no fire in your eyes anymore. I think you need to get back out there. Get a real gig again,"

You shook your head with a short chuckle ready to hear one of your friend's ideas.

"What do you have in mind, Shida?" You ask.

A wide grin spreads across her lips.

"I got booked as a backup dancer in a Michael Jackson video this weekend!" Rashida squeals. "You should totally come. It'll be a chance to get back in front of the camera,"

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