I Guess This Isn't Goodbye

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As I am rolling out of the Cameron's driveway in my white convertible my phone starts to buzz repeatedly. It's Kelce, maybe he's telling me what he wants to do today? Happily I answer the phone. I wince as I put the phone up to my ear and hear screams. Something about me ignoring? I check my phone and notice the missed calls. "I'm sorry, I was with Sarah helping her pack," I stammer through his yells. He goes quiet. "Sure whatever, meet me at the boardwalk in 15, it's urgent." And click he's gone.

I was really hoping it would be a good day with him today. I sigh, and pull into the nearest parking lot and walk out to the pier to find him absent.

After waiting for almost a half hour alone, outside I see him slowly walking towards me. "Hey sorry I was late, got caught up," he shrugs off casually. A smile plasters my face, hoping he doesn't notice how bothered I am. Today is not the day for a fight. "We need to talk," he says and looks down.

Is he breaking up with me? No way. No he isn't. "I think we should end this," Kelce says assertively and looks me in the eyes. Confusion takes over my expression as I search his for any hint as to why. "I met another girl, she a Touron but only lives an hour away, and with you going for a few weeks I felt this was a good way to end it?" it almost feels like he cares. Until I remember how he has been treating me. This is probably for the best. It wasn't exactly a healthy relationship. Nonetheless years we'll up in my eyes as I say goodbye to the last year of my life. Even if it wasn't a great one.

"Suck my dick Kelce," I spit, and quickly walk to my car. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk away and it's confirmed when I see his look as I drive away.

Without checking the speed limit, I shove my foot onto the gas, and head straight home. More mad than sad, I fight angry tears. He is gonna string me along, hurt me time after time to leave me? I can't say I'm not glad but still, the audacity.

My shoes step onto my door matt, looking down at the familiar "Welcome home!" quote. I step inside to see Jackson attempting to make lunch. "Bon appetite!" He says and smiles looking at me. Not the time Jackson. Not the time.

Without meaning to I'm suddenly at my brothers room, knocking and stepping in.
"Hey! Some privacy?" he musters, as some random Touron climbs off his lap. I'm just glad so got there before any clothes came off.

"Kelce and I broke up, can we talk?" I fake stammer and muster up fake tears for the hope of him letting me in. He whispers something to the platinum blonde, tan girl and she giggles before climbing out the window. Classy.

I step into his dirty room. How could he have a girl over and not be embarrassed? I wipe away the fake tears and plop onto his futon. "He's an asshole, and treated me terribly, and lowkey left me with trauma. I should be glad he's gone," I huff. My brother nods accordingly, I can tell he's listening. He's always been good at that. "This is so awful Dean? What will everyone think? I get dumped right before vacation! Oh good Rafe will torment me no doubt!" I cover my face with a pillow and groan.

"Wait Rafe is going now? Nice.". he then scans my scold and continues, "I mean, that jerk Kelce. And if it helps he's one of the worse looking guys to get with you?" I chuckle from under the pillow and sit up.

My brothers eyes look back at me. He clearly feels sympathetic and I am glad I have him. He's really stepped up since Dad passed. I smile and throw a pillow at him. "Totally not helping," and he chuckles and looks away from me and back to the tv, he's setting his game up. My queue to leave.

I give a looks that he knows means thanks and he nods. Now for mom.

She just got home and will love to know about me and Kelces split. We gossip and talk and chat forever. I genuinely feel better. And she helps me realize it wasn't Kelce I was attached to but the feeling of having someone.

She hugs me before I tread back into my cozy bedroom, exhausted and seeking the comfort of my teddy bear, Oscar. But of course, my phone rings. I check the number and it's Rafe. Are you kidding?

UNBREAKABLE [rafe cameron x female OC]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara