Chapter 8

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Sapnap POV

We were all talking about the letter that Prince Technoblade, of L'manburg, had sent to Tommy. This was until Dream noticed Tommy ear dropping into our conversation. He looked like he was in a lot of pain from standing and stumbled over to the table and sat down quickly and sighed with relief when he sat down.

As soon as he sat down he clutched his stomach in pain.

"You alright Tommy." Quackity asks with concern in his voice. None of us have seen Tommy stand up and walk around the house since he fell ill. So we were all surprised by this.

"Well better than a week ago." He said. His voice was still raspy but not as bad before. We were all sceptical about this and that he didn't say anything about him feeling better.

"You sure." I ask.

"Yes I wouldn't be waking around if I didn't feel good now would i." Tommy says sounding impatient with us. "Can I read the letter than is addressed to me thank you." Tommy said as he snatched the letter out of Quackitys hand.

"Fuckin rude." Quackity muttered to no one in particular.

Tommy just gave Quackity a look and continued reading the letter. As soon as he finished reading it he screwed it up into a ball and threw it into the bin in the corner of the room.

"Why would you do that." Dream snapped at Tommy. Tommy just rolled his eyes at him.

"Because it is mine and I don't want it." Tommy says as his voice got more raspy with every word he spoke.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask Tommy. He didn't bother to respond with words but with a simple nod while looking at me. I got up and walked over to the sink and got a glass from the cupboard and filled it three quarters full and gave it to Tommy. He immediately drank half of it and then put it down on the table.

"So why did you leave your room." Karl questioned Tommy. It probably wasn't a good choice to ask him because Karl and Tommy don't get along to well. Tommy also looked extremely tried and he is also really grumpy when he doesn't get enough sleep. So all in all Karl kind of messed up but that's for Karl to figure out.

"What do you think Karl." Tommy said. He said the word Karl in a high pitch voice.

"What was that Mr Minecraft, huh Joe does it feel to be called that." Karl argued back at the child. When Karl called Tommy that his smile fell and he got up from his seat.

"Ok I'm going to go. See you guys later." Tommy said as he stumbled away. I got up and tried to help him without asking but he didn't notice me.

"Hey Tommy do you want help?" I asked he slowly nodded and I helped him walk over towards his room.

Karl POV

After a while we started to talk about random stuff. Then when Sapnap came back he started talking about L'manburg.

"We should send another letter back." I said only half joking about this idea.

"Yeah we totally should though." Dream said in a playful tone.

"I was joking you know." I say.

"Well I'm not I'm going to get a piece of paper and a pen." Dream said.

"I'll get the letter for the return address.'' Quackity said while walking over to the bin Tommy threw the letter in. After a few minutes Dream came back into view. About 5 minutes of looking in the bin Quackity found the letter and came back to sit at the table. He looked at the pice of paper for about 45 seconds until he yelled out " Why is there not a return address."

"Maybe because Tommy knows where they live and the address." Sapnap said while silently giggling to himself.

"Right I'm going to ask tommy what the address is be back in a minute." Sapnap explained quickly before he disappeared into Tommy's room. After a minute of faint talking and yelling Sapnap came back into the room.

"What did you do for him to yell at you like that." I ask "I thought you 2 are close friends."

"No i think you are talking about Quackity," he said while pointing towards Quackity "and he was sleeping and I woke him up."

"Well I'm not writing this letter so count me out." I say as I walk over to my room which I shared with Sapnap.

When I woke up Dream was yelling about this letter that they wrote and that they had actually sent it off.

Nikki POV

I didn't know what to respond with. The king had just asked me of he is a bad farther. What do I say if I say he is a bad farther he might send me to the prison for who knows how long.

"Don't lie I want to know the truth." The king said sounding serious.

I mean after he said that I thought about it for a minute. He did neglect Tommy. He didn't provide Tommy with food for at least half of his life. He didn't give Tommy any form of love or attention to him. He did agree with Techno to send Tommy to war. He didn't even protest about it. He was happy about Tommy getting sick and it wasn't looking good for him. He is annoyed and frustrated about Tommy having to come back to the palace to get better. So all in all I think that gives me the answer but do I lie about it. After about a minute he stated to look at me with just sadness.

"Am I that bad of a farther Nikki." Philza asked.

"Well you aren't the best but not the worst." I said not sounding very convincing at all.

"Don't lie Nikki." Philza said.

"You are a pretty bad farther." I muttered loud enough for him to hear but only just I immediately cover my mouth in shock of what I just said. I started to mumble mulitple apologies to him.

"Could you explain how I am." He asked.

''Well you did neglect Tommy for his whole life, you didn't provide him with any food it was always Prince Technoblade or Prince Wilbur who did that, you didn't give him any love, you did agree with Prince Technoblade about sending him to the war withour hesitation, you were happy about Tommy getting sick and it not looking good for Tommy, you are angry that Tommy has to come back here." I explain bit looking philza in the eyes. When I did he had tears in his eyes and looked very guilty at his past actions.

"Now that I think about it i did do all of that and didn't hesitate while doing it." Phil said.

"Well when he comes back you can try to fix your relationship and not scold him or ignore him. How's that sound for a idea your majesty." I suggest as I stand up and walk over to the sink and start washing my hands. "I must get back to cooking.''

"Very well Nikki I have things to do as well thank you." Philza says as he gets up and walks away.

Technoblade POV

I sent that letter about 4 days ago and I haven't got a reply yet. I told Wilbur about it and he said it was fine and I shouldn't tell Phil. I did tell him that everything was Philza's idea and Wilbur said it might be better to send him more if he gets a reply.

I'm still unsure if he got it but it was addressed to him. That was until yesterday when I went down to get breakfast and a guard gave me a letter.

When I opened the letter the first thing I noticed was how messing the first part of the handwriting was then how neat the second half was. Tommy clearly didn't write this and who ever did didn't try to make it seem like he did.

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