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LILITH was awoken from her dreamless sleep when Katniss shouted to run, "Run! Run! The fog is poison!" They got up and Finnick grabbed Mags and they started running.

As they ran, the fog rolled in thickly. It came from different sides of them causing them to take unexpected turns. Katniss fell and Peeta tried to help her up but they screamed as the acid fog touched their skin causing angry boils to form.

Finnick screamed as the fog touched his legs, dropping Mags in the process, "Mags. Please, please. Come on."

Lilith saw Peeta fall and Katniss try to help him, seeing the boils on his skin. Lilith and Finnick crouched next to them, "I can't carry him," Katniss said, "Peeta please."

Mags touched Finnick's shoulder. As he turned she pressed a kiss to his cheek before turning away, "Mags?" Lilith asked.

"Mags? Mags!" Finnick shouted for the older woman as she entered the fog.

"Finnick." Lilith held him back from going after her.


"Finnick," Katniss yelled as a canon fired.

"We have to go. We have to get outta here," Lilith gripped his face in her hands and smiled sadly.

"We have to go," Katniss said.

Finnick turned around to look at Peeta, "Alright, come on." Katniss and Finnick held the boy up and Lilith helped them stand. They started to jog, but it was hard because Peeta was barely awake. They groaned as the fog reached them causing them to tumble down a hill. Lilith laid on the forest floor in pain before Katniss screamed.

"The water! The water helps." Lilith crawled towards Finnick and dragged him towards the lake. The two groaned as the water seemed to wash away the angry boils on their skin. When they settled Katniss said, "We need our weapons."

They got out of the lake and Lilith sighed picking up one of her katanas from the ground and putting it in the sheath to meet the other. Lilith re-entered the lake where Finnick was sitting washing off the residue of the boils. Katniss sat beside them and it was silent for a moment before she spoke up, "I'm sorry about Mags."

Finnick sat silent for a moment before answering, "She was never gonna make it. So..." He looked up and stilled causing Katniss and Lilith to look his way. He signalled at something behind them making them look. As Lilith reached for her swords Katniss did the same with her arrows.

Behind them were monkeys, who growled as they rose slowly. Lilith looked into the trees, seeing them climbing on the branches. Finnick bent down as one neared them, picking up his trident.

"Peeta?" Katniss said.

"Yeah?" Peeta looked up from where his gaze was focused on the spile.

"Walk over here slowly," she ordered.

He looked around and a monkey roared in his face. He backed away as they advanced, "Whoa." He met them in the lake and they all stood, weapons raised. The monkeys growled at them angrily as they looked around.

"Get to the beach," Katniss said.

She looked at the path and gasped when the monkeys were blocking it. She raised her bow at them, getting ready to shoot. As one jumped at her from behind, Lilith slashed at it. They all roared and started coming at them. Lilith swung at them before she saw Katniss get pounced on. The girl sank into the water and Lilith shoved her sword through its neck. She pulled the girl out as Peeta shouted, "We gotta get to the beach!"

They started running and the monkeys followed. Lilith grunted as one jumped on her back. She rolled it over and ripped its throat out with her teeth.

She got up and stabbed another. She was thrown to the ground and a monkey roared in her face. It was stabbed by Finnick and he helped her up as Katniss and Peeta grabbed a morphling. They ran towards the beach and the monkeys stopped as if it was at a barrier. Lilith sighed in relief as Katniss and Peeta comforted the dying morphling. A canon boobed and they stared at her sadly.

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