Chapter 12

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Just a warning, there is a scene between Ash and a Team Rocket member known as Agent where Ash is effectively tortured. I'll be blunt, Agent is a psychopath. The bit should be fairly obvious when you read it, so if you don't want to, please don't read that bit! Just covering my bases so nobody shouts at the lack of warning.

"When we reach the city, we must move quickly. You have too many people to remain hidden for long." Mewtwo said, addressing Lance, Cynthia, and Steven. "Giovanni will attempt to flee if he feels that he cannot win the fight. If he escapes, you may not have another opportunity like this for years."

"Don't worry his capture is our greatest priority." Cynthia assured the Pokémon. "In fact, Steven has offered to lead a team to head for him."

"Indeed" the Hoenn Champion said. "I will take my elites into the heart of Team Rocket, and apprehend this criminal."

"I still think it should be me leading that team" Lance grumbled. "I have experience in facing off against criminal organizations, particularly ones that use legendaries."

Cynthia sighed. "Lance, you know as well as I do that as the authority figure for over half our forces, you can do nothing but lead the main group. When we reach Goldenrod City, I will lead a team to look for 'Champion', Steven will aim to apprehend Giovanni and you will have command of the rest of the trainers. You will get to fight, have no fear."

"And besides, you will be able to fight alongside me" Mewtwo said. "How many people can say that they fought alongside a legendary Pokémon?"

Lance simply glared back. "I've fought against legendaries. Makes a far better story. Ask Kyogre if you see him." Under the fierce gaze of the other two champions, as well as Mewtwo's impassive stare, Lance relented. "Alright, fine. When are we doing the briefings?"

"Steven and I can do them on the train easily as we will only be bringing a few men each. You on the other hand will be addressing the large body of trainers. You might have to do the briefing many times with many trainers."

Lance groaned. That was his idea of hell. Now that a plan had been decided, he wanted to proceed as quickly as possible. He did not want to have to brief two hundred trainers on each step of the plan. It was at this point where Steven spoke up.

"I think to prevent our colleague from killing himself before Team Rocket has a chance to attempt it, an alternative might be wise." Steven said with a smile. "Lance, split your trainers down to a simple military command. One man can command thousands if he has the right command structure. You have four elites, each of whom can lead a group of trainers. You have sixteen gym leaders, each of whom has between five and ten trainers who will automatically look to them.

The remainder of the trainers that you have to use can be distributed amongst the elites, or the specialists who you have. Then you only have to brief the team leaders, and on the battlefield you can move to where you are needed. It also saves you from endless briefings, and reduces the time that we have to delay in Goldenrod."

Lance, Cynthia and Mewtwo looked at Steven in surprise. They had no idea that he knew much about leading a group of trainers in a fight. As he registered the looks, he grinned weakly.

"Remember, I've been champion of Hoenn for longer than either of you two have been of your regions. This isn't my first fight."

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