Before, During, and After Creation

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Fearlessly present your work.
Whether you are confident in your art or not, you need the practice and experience of sharing it with people.

Gracefully receive criticism, praise, or ridicule.
It's in your control to evaluate the feedback, and decide whether to accept it or reject it.

Find delight in the work of others.
Whether their work is cringeworthy or humbling, the artist has something to share, and an open mind may start a dialog or prompt inspiration for your own work.

Encourage earnestness, challenge ego.
An earnest artist, or even the smallest moment of earnestness in a work, will bring new enrichment and energy to everyone. An ego is stagnant and useless, even harmful, and should be questioned.

Don't disparage others.
Ridiculing the work of others is a manifestation of insecurity with your own work or relationship to the world. Get your own foundations in order, then help others build theirs.

Ask questions when you don't know.
Be curious. Don't pretend you know something. Be real, honest, and open. When you acknowledge your knowledge gaps, you'll learn more, grow more, and connect more.

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