💫Cold as Ice ~ Steve Rogers💫

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A/N all credits to the original author "my-emotional-self" on Tumbler

The mission was supposed to be easy, that was why they only sent you and Steve.  Kill the guards, steal the software, and leave.  That was it.  But it didn't happen that easily. 

The two of you killed most of the guards pretty easily, but that wasn't the problem.  The problem was the software.  You were the best hacker there was, next to Natasha of course. But this type of software was something you had never seen before.  The software itself sensed the threat; the threat of you and Captain America and in sensing that threat, it vanished.  Never in your life had you seen such high technology before.  You were able to trace the next location it went to, but there was no way you and Steve would be able to make it that far. 

Nope, now you were stuck in the most northern part of Alaska, and fuck was it cold.  Steve, being frozen for close to 70 years, was used to the cold.  You on the other hand were not, and you thought for sure you would die of exposure out here. 

A few of the guards were able to escape, and you when you returned back to the jet, you knew exactly what they had done.  They removed some of the mainframe, leaving the two of you completely immobile until Tony was either able to fix it from the Avengers Tower; or able to get another Quinjet out to you.  Either way, it would take hours and your lips were already starting to turn blue. 

Nothing worked in the Quinjet; there was no power, meaning no heat.  You sat there, on the floor, your entire body shivering so hard that it physically hurt.  Steve tried his best to figure out himself to get some heat going for you, but he came up empty handed.

"Soooo.....cccoooolllldddd" you said through chattered teeth quietly; Steve's super soldier hearing heard you and he immediately rushed to you.  He was easy on the eye, that was for sure, and you always told Natasha that if Steve ever asked you out on a date, you would say yes in a heartbeat. 

Steve knelt down in front of you, wearing nothing but his Stealth suit.  "Y/N, you're lips are turning blue" Steve declared as if you didn't already know that.  "We need to get you warmed up, now."

You nodded your head to him as your arms wrapped tightly around your body; your hands running up and down your arms and you already started to feel better.  A lightbulb went off in your mind as you perked your head up, your eyes instantly meeting Steve's. 

"Boodddyy....heeaattt" you shivered out as you searched Steve's eyes and luckily for you, he seemed to understand what you meant. 

He stood up and ran towards the back of the jet.  When he appeared again, he was holding a large blanket in his hands.  "Lay down" he demanded and you did just that; in a less than graceful manner but who cares, you were freezing.  You pretty much fell over onto your side and curled yourself into a ball on the floor. 

Steve spread the blanket over you as he lay down next to you; his arm curling around your stomach at once.  "Is this alright?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.  It was more than alright in your book.  Steve felt like the damn sun. 

"Yes" you breathed out in relief, already feeling better with his body heat next to you.  The two of you were silent for a bit as you concentrated on your breathing; it was becoming easier to breath now that you weren't shivering so damn much.  "Ya know Steve, usually you take a girl out on a date before you get to this step" you joked, trying to lighten the mood. 

You could feel Steve's body tense behind you, and you thought maybe you had crossed the line, him being your Captain and all.  "I'm sorry Steve that was out of line" you apologized; mentally slapping yourself.

Steve cleared his throat from behind you as his muscles relaxed again.  "Funny that you mention that Y/N, because I was going to ask you on a date when we got back from this mission."

Now it was your turn to tense as you had not expected Steve to say that.  While you would ogle him, and crush from afar, you had no idea that Steve liked you back. 

You shifted so you could see Steve.  "Re-really?" you choked out, your eyes growing wide in wonder. 

Your body shook with Steve's deep chuckle; his dazzling white teeth showing off from his smile.  "Yes really.  So what do you say?  Can I take you on a date Y/N?"

For the first time all day, you felt your face pulsate from heat as your heart thrummed in your chest. "I would love that Steve" you replied.

Feeling bold in this position; your faces only inches apart, you made a move.  You placed a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling back, gaging his reaction.  Steve seemed stunned at first, definitely not expecting that. 

He soon smiled down on you, as he shook his head gently.  This time, he reciprocated as he leaned down, capturing your lips with his. The kiss lasted longer than your little peck and it felt wondrous.  His lips were chapped from the cold, but you didn't mind because the kiss set your body ablaze with the heat you needed.  He pulled away too soon for your liking, but you would manage. 

Giving him a soft giggle, you nuzzled your face into his warm chest as his arms tightened around you as the two of you waited for your rescue.

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