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The back of the car is lonely and boring, it is
always you who sat in the back.After all you are the oldest

Your 3 siblings take the middle seats, Naku L/N your sister going into 6th, Ryou L/N your brother going into 2nd and Kaito L/N your brother that hasn't ever turned a year old.

In the passenger seat was your mom, Shino Sosakis seat but she was not coming on this trip till later and her seat was full of the driver, your other mom Ryuko Tsuchikawas purse and some luggage.

You pulled out your phone to answer some texts from your friends

After a couple minutes of back to back messages you got bored and watched some new episodes of Demon Slayer

You checked the time and it was 9:05pm

*we left the house at 3pm and its 9:00, wait that is 6 hours, we are supposed to be arriving at the airport right now*

You looked out the window and saw a sign that said Utah airport

*wow we are here but still this is gonna be a long flight even though be drove 6 hours from Colorado to Utah*

*mom said it would take about 6h to make it to the airport that had a one way straight to Japan.*


"Mande" (yes)

"Weren't you born in Japan"

"Yea but then we had to move to America for a new job mom got then all you were born"



A couple of lights start to shine in your face, you look outside and see all the lights from the airport

You always loved lights in the dark sky

"Ok kids were here get off the car and get your stuff"

"Ok mom" you and your siblings said in sync

"Mom when is mama gonna get here"

"In two days but don't worry Ryou she just had to do some work at the agency"


Your mom got out the car and when to get your baby brother out of the seat in front of you so you could pull the seat down and get out.

Once you stepped outside the car your legs felt like jello.

Everyones things were in the back in the seat next to you. Naku grabbed her luggage and Ryou did too.

Everything was out of the back and now you guys started to walk in to the airport

"Y/N we have a one hour till the plane, stay right here outside the door with the kids

I am gonna go give back the keys to the rental, when I come back we will we go and do whatever we have to."


Your siblings kept messing around with Kaito trying to make him cry

*I hope they won't be acting like this on the plane*

You face palmed while you imagined the flight

"Ok i am back lets go pay for luggage"

Your mom said while walking to you


After the luggage was paid and loaded into the plane it was 9:50 and the flight is at 10:20.The next thing was security.

You guys walked over to security and the line wasn't that long and took no time to move since the people infront of you had no problems with the machines.

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