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"Ugh stupid fucking homeless bitch"

Bakugou grumbled walking around

*why the fuck did i say that to her ughhh wait why tf do i care?! She so dumb! Cant even tell a story*

Then the other part of his brain talked

*But i kinda feel bad for her i mean she literally got kidnapped no so long ago and i literally fucking made her tell me the story*


Katsuki hit his head and yelled

He saw the street lights turn on

"Fuck i need to get home"


"Finally! Katsuki where have you been?!"

"Why the fuck would you care."

Katsuki spoke hardly while leaving to go to the kitchen

"Whatever but you know you own y/n an apology"

Katuki groaned Walking fast up the stairs to his room

"I swear this kid"

"Haha don't worry Mitsuki Im sure Shino will put him in his place"

"I hope haha"

"Hold on- wheres Maseru?"

"Oh he went on a trip like 2 days ago for our clothing line, apparently we have to start making hero costumes"

"Oh reallyy? Thats fun"

"Yeah, i hope hes back intime to watch Katsuki and Y/n's entrance exam- oh that reminds me, what time does Shino land tomorrow?"

"Uhmmm at like 3 pm"

"Oh alright, well its getting late i think imma head to bed"

"Yeah, me too"

"Okay good night see you tomorrow"

"Good night"

Mitsuki walked out of the living room up to hers.

(Back to y/n now)

You stepped out of the shower and dried yourself off.

And then slipping on some pjs

"Damn i look goofy"

You left the bathroom and into your room and n placed the rest of your things on your luggage

"Naku scoot over"


She moved to her side

"Y/n? Are you liking japan?"

"Its fun just ugh Katsuki is annoying"

"Oh? First name basis?"

"Its not like that."

"Oh suree"

"Whatever, turn your shit down imma sleep"

"Okay me too"

10 Minutes

20 Minutes

30 Minutes

40 Minutes

*ugh why tf can't i sleep?*

Your twisted and turned im your bed wishing you were sleeping

*How did i sleep last time?*

Then you remember

It was with Katsuki

*ughhh im so angry with him, its not his place to be judging about my life. Then again i did say i would tell him, this was supposed to be practice for me to be able to tell this story to people without getting upset*

*if i was mad like him and didn't like someone and they didn't say something that i needed to know i would say that shit too.* (COME ON

Before you knew it you were up and walking up too Bakugou's door.

*wait what am i doing-*

You knocked. On his DOOR

*omg wtf im gay omg*

"Who the fuck is it?"

"Uhm its y/n"

"Why the fuck?!"

"Katsuki open the damn door"


He opened the door

"Why the fuck are you here?"

"I don't really know my body just left my room I-"

He rolled his eyes clearly not very content with you

"I needed to talk with you"


Yall💀 there is no excuse to say that will make up for my abcence in this story. Trust me i literally have so much amazing ideas for this book and i have time its js i feel like im extending the book alittle too long yk? So if im less descriptive or like y/n "sad" story isn't as sad as it should its bc this so yeah💀 but imma try to make her story bad so it can js fit the part🧑‍🦲

Nobody needs to know//bakugou x y/n//Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora