Easy-Peasy, Lemon Drop Squeezy

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Beginning Notes

All characters are owned by J. K. Rowling and Rick Riordan.


The nice thing about shadow travel was that you didn't need to know where you were going to get there. Nico had no idea where Hogwarts was or even what it looked like, but in five minute's time, he was standing in a large hall of what appeared to be a castle. Unfortunately, shadow travel didn't allow you to travel to a specific person, so Nico was looking for Dumbledore in the only place he had heard in connection with him.

Also unfortunately, Hogwarts was huge. Several hours and slightly less teleportations into locked rooms later, Nico stumbled upon an office in a tower. He leaned against the desk, debating whether it was worth taking a sip of unicorn draught, when one of the paintings spoke.

Nico had his sword out before he realized what was happening. He knew paintings talked, but he still wasn't used to it. And after everything he'd been through, it was second nature to go for his sword.

"I said," the portrait said, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Albus Dumbledore," Nico said, sheaving his sword.

"And why do you want him?"

"I want to talk to him about the return of Voldemort." Nico shifted uncomfortably. Talking had never been his strong suit. "Could you get him for me?"

The portrait squinted at him. "Fine." He walked out of the frame.

Nico blinked. That had been too easy. If he weren't dealing with wizards, he'd think it was a trap. Wizards, though, seemed to have the most ridiculous and lackadaisical security for everything. Maybe strange boys apparating into offices was normal. 

It was several minutes before the painting returned, and even longer before Albus Dumbledore arrived. Nico heard a loud crack, and barely had time to turn around before ropes neatly bound him. A tall man with a long white hair and beard was pointing his wand at him. Nico's eyes were immediately drawn to his charred and blackened left hand. It looked like some sort of curse or poison.

"Who are you and why are you looking for me?"

"My name is Nico di Angelo," Nico said. "I was looking for you because you believe Voldemort has returned. I want to help fight him."

Dumbledore made no move to help Nico up or to untie him.

"How did you get here?"

"I apparated."

Dumbledore shook his head. "You can't apparate or disapparate in Hogwarts."

"You did."

"Being the headmaster has it's perks," Dumbledore said. He looked at the portraits. "Did you see how he arrived?"

The portrait who had gotten Dumbledore was the one to speak up. "He apparated, but it wasn't any kind of apparation I've seen before."

Dumbledore nodded. "Fetch Severus. Tell him he can apparate to my office." The portrait once again disappeared."

"I will ask you again," Dumbledore said. "How did you apparate inside Hogwarts?"

Nico shrugged, or did what passed for a shrug when one was tied up. "I don't know. I taught myself how to apparate. Maybe I did something wrong."

There was another crack, and a man in long black robes with a hawkish nose appeared. "You called, Dumbledore?" His eyes fell on Nico, laying prone on the floor. "Who is this."

He Who Walks Between WorldsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora