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It was a couple days after Chan's little party and both boys decided to not talk about the lap dance and them almost kissing. Hyunjin decided he wanted to give Felix some space so he stopped being clingy towards the younger.

He had also stopped with the flirting and most nights the boys slept in their own beds. Hyunjin didn't want to make Felix think he wanted to use him so he thought this was the only way.

On the other hand Felix felt that Hyunjin was done with him. They were never dating but it was almost like they were.

They stopped holding hands, they slept mostly in separate beds, they didn't cuddle anymore, and didn't spend as much time together.

Felix knew it was bound to happen. Every time he starts to like someone it always goes bad. Nobody ever stays.

Felix was lost in thought and didn't even notice Hyunjin calling out his name.

"Felix!" He finally yelled.

"Ah, sorry. What do you need?"

"I made lunch, it's on the counter."

"I'm not hungry, I think I'm going to go on a walk." Felix didn't bother waiting on a response. He put his shoes on and walked out of his dorm.

I need to distract myself from him.

It was late in the afternoon and the sky was darkening. Soon the street lights came on lightning the city.

Felix admired the view. Everything looks better when its dark.

He didn't have any destination, he just planned on walking around to clear his mind.

While he was lost in thought he bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Sorry." The other yelled and pulled Felix back to his feet.

"No worries."

Felix's eyes finally caught the man's face. He was tall, with a muscular build. He had a very handsome face with a fine jawline.

"You headed someplace?" The taller asked.

"No, you?"

"I was going to go eat, would you like to join?"

Felix should probably get home, especially since it was late at night. But if he was being honest, going home wasn't really what he wanted. He needed time to himself.

"Yeah sure, I'll join ya."

The other man smiled, flashing his white teeth. He turned around and started walking. Felix caught up to him and walked by his side. This was by far one of the dumbest things he's ever done. But fuck it.

The two didn't speak for a while until they finally stopped in front of a restaurant. They walked in, and sat down ordering what they wanted.

While waiting on their food Felix was looking down and playing with his fingers. He had no clue what to say or do. This was awkward. No shit, he's a stranger.

"So why were you walking alone at night?" The other said, finally breaking the akward silence.

"I just needed to clear my mind from everything."

"Ah, did you get in a fight with your girlfriend or something?"

"Um, no I don't have one. I just needed to think about things and distract myself."

Before the other could say anything more the waitress came back and set down their food.

Felix dug in not noticing how hungry he really was. The other smiled at him while eating his food.

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