Letting her go?

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Ahana pov:


I went to our bedroom and laid on my side of bed.

Many things were clouded in my mind right now.

Where should I go tomorrow after leaving this house?

What will I tell ma?

How will she take this?

Should I stay in this country and work?

I don't know what to do everything was so confusing and stressful.

I never thought in my life that the happy, outspoken me will be this confused and heart broken.Even when I married a stranger and come to this different country I wasn't like this.

I thought we will be happy after we confessed our love.

My chain of thoughts were disturbed when I felt the bed behind me dipped.

He had the guts to come to the room where I was even after called me with different names.

After all it was his room, my mind reminded me.

I felt his hot breath was fanning on my face.

Don't tell me this idiot was trying to kiss me after all this.

I felt him kissing on my forehead, I want to slap him so hard but at the same time I want him with me hug me kiss me and tell me everything happened today was a dream or may be a drama which he was practicing to play.

"Oh my god how stupid you are Ahana, seriously a play?" my mind mocked me.

" I love you aha, I love you so damn much, I don't know why I talked to you like that. Not even a single thing that I told you in my study room came from my heart. It was all because of my rage.I want to slap myself for calling you with names.I regret every word I told you back there. I wish you don't love Aditya. I want to keep yourself to me all my life, but I won't,because I don't want to keep you in this forced relationship anymore. When Aditya said about how much you are suffering in this relationship and want to get out of this.

I didn't believe him earlier but after reading your diary I came to know how much you love him .

Even after came to know about your love for him I didn't want to let you go because I thought we were in love, but considering my earlier behaviour towards you in the beginning of our marriage and considering I am the one who confessed first.May be you were forced to confess the love because you might thought you have no chance to escape from this relationship and had to stuck with me in this relationship as Aditya too got married.

But I think everything changed after Aditya came to your life again right. I wish he didn't came into our life.

I won't say I would be happy after giving you to him. I am not a saint baby girl.

I am also a man who needs someone with me throughout my lifetime.

Someone who will sleep next to me everyday, someone who tries to cook even though she knows she couldn't,Someone who loves me and not for my money. Someone who love my family like her own.

But I am not a selfish to hold you back.

It's your choice baby doll, you can do whatever you want to do" 

Oh my god, he can become a great story writer. How well he can makeup a good story by connecting stupid things.

I felt him kissing my forehead for a good one minute.

It seems like a goodbye kiss.

How can you decide for me on my behalf.It was my life and my decision to stay with whomever I want and you think I love that bastard aditya. How stupid you can be?.

Hello mister how can you give me to that bastard just like that without even a fight.

If you let me explain myself then this scene wouldn't had happened. This all happens because you assumed everything on your own.

You stuck with me Mr.Malhotra, so never ever try to leave me in the middle.

But I won't forgive you easily for what are all the things you did to me today. Tomorrow I am going to make you feel the pain of seeing your wife with some other men and I am going to make you regret for thinking of giving me to him just like that.

Tomorrow you are going to see the great one and only Mrs Ahana Arjun Malhotra.

With love,

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