•{Oh, Hello Again, Person I Totally Don't Know}•

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It had been a week.

Literally and a bit figuratively.

From that night, Ranboo decided to at least go to the roof every day.  It was nice up there.  You could hide well, actually, and slip right back in quickly.  He thought about going to see Tubbo again a few times, even asking Purpled and subtly asking Warren if it was a good idea.  He didn't get a straight answer that he liked from either.  It was a bit selfish, they felt, but their brain was in an argument with itself and it was just an extra headache. But they somehow didn't have a concussion (Thanks Tubbo), so that was a plus.

But it got even better, on accident.

Saturday (day after)

The morning after the escape and return, Niki was the one that had found Ranboo and the guard asleep in the portrait room. Knowing her sibling, she had an estimated story in her head about the reason.

The prince did sleepwalk. It was quite common, especially if he had been anxious. The guard must have followed him to keep him safe once his door shift was over.  Of course, she knew it wasn't that exactly, and she would ask her brother about it later, but she liked to assume the boys were getting along well and looking out for each other.  It was something she couldn't do for Wilbur and Tommy, look out for them, stop them from leaving. But with a look to the punched-in paintings, she had left the two.

"Shall we do something about them, Princess?" Jack Manifold, her assistant and friend, asked. He had followed a bit behind her, as it was seen as disrespectful to walk too close behind a royal in Enyo.  Nihachu shook her head at him.  "Let them stay there.  Ranboo most likely needed that."

Jack nodded.  "Oh, by the way, King Technoblade is off in Erebus for the week.  He left yesterday night. He'll be back by Saturday the tenth, most likely.  I'll have to check that." He admitted.

Niki made a concerned face. Her brother would tell her if he was leaving the castle, and for a week no less!  Honestly, he hadn't ever been good at communication.  But Erebus?  Without her?  Enyo was not allies to Erebus yet, plus the fact of Erebus possibly being responsible for the battle that took her fathers life. 

The queen, Alyssa, was closed off to Enyo after the battle, though she had never been one to talk to Enyoians.  Her mother and Niki's father had called off a war between them when she and Techno were 10, right before they adopted Tommy, but the tension had still been there, and it still was. It was starting to become a bit of a Cold War. Some of the soldiers in Erebus would occasionally send threats their way. Some of the soldiers in Enyo sent them back, though Nihachu did not approve of it and wanted to tell Queen Alyssa to get her army full of degenerate dogs under control.

The princess knew he could more than handle himself, as the voices hadn't been bad recently, but yet the people of Erebus (the voices as well) were unpredictable.  They could know about the voices in some way, though it didn't make sense how one would find out.  Also, the fact that she didn't know he was leaving.

"Ah, okay." Was all she said.  That bitch. It was fine, she reminded herself. It wasn't like he was leaving forever. It was natural for all three of them to be instantly worried if one left the castle and didn't come back for a while without explanation.  "And he'll be back on Saturday?"

"Or Monday if he stays for nine days for whatever reason." Jack shrugged, and put a hand on a glum Niki's shoulder. "You know he'll be back, Niki."

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