36 | senator

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Glasses clink, a champagne fountain fills them, and people dance in their expensive dresses under the roof of the exquisite ballroom of the manor. We meet the guests who approach us and some we approach ourselves with glasses of red wine in our hands which neither of us cares to drink. Music plays loud yet the song is soft music. We admire the elegant decorations until our sights fall on the host of the party.

Senator Julius Campbell

"You're so dead, Jackson," Claire mutters under her breath as she watches Senator Campbell approaching us with a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry, love, but I need you to be here," I whisper in her ear, my hand on her waist squeezing tight as we both force a smile at the Senator.

It is his sixth engagement party. After Claire and I got married, he secured the warmth of a rich heiress who was more than excited to jump into his arms at the consideration of his background which would make her an important public figure. He sent me the invitation two weeks ago, just to show off that Claire wasn't his only option.

I beg to differ — Claire wasn't an option in the first place. If she hadn't convinced me herself, I would have kidnapped her on the day of her wedding with him.

"Jackson, it's been a long time," Campbell chirps, unable to hide the hint of annoyance in his voice as he comes near us and extends a hand.

I take a look at his appearance as I take his extended hand and give him a firm shake. Even at forty years, he has managed to redeem some of his youth-like features in his round face and greying hair. The Senator is dressed in a black suit, the material glittering like a princess's dress. He has styled his hair with gel, combing it backward. His fiancée struts after him, eyeing me slyly and licking her lips when I look at her. She is a young girl of about twenty, with brunette hair and a square-shaped face covered with heavy makeup.

Both of them do deserve each other.

"My pleasure, Mr. Campbell. The party's wonderful," I say to the senator and his eyes quickly fall on Claire who is pressed to my side completely, already uncomfortable by the Senator's gaze.

"Mrs. Jackson, you look absolutely wonderful tonight!" he exclaims, ignoring that his fiancée is standing right behind him as he takes Claire's hand and presses a sloppy kiss on her knuckles. "Your father was disappointed to see that you've chosen a husband already. Quite unfortunate for me if you may ask."

Claire yanks her hand away, faking a smile. "Thank you, Mr. Campbell."

The Senator straightens up, finally noticing his little own lady and copies my action by putting an arm around her waist, shoving his glass of half-drunk wine in her hand. She takes it from him and bats her eyes at me as she takes a sip.

"This is my fiancée, Miss Desiree Bain. I'm pretty sure you knew her name already. My darling's quite famous these days. Known for her stunning beauty across the country." Campbell places a kiss on Desiree's cheek and she laughs unnecessarily, slapping his chest playfully.

"Stop it, Campbell. Mrs. Jackson here is much prettier than me," she says to Claire, looking straight at the injured side of her face which Claire has managed to lighten with a lot of foundation.

I see a sneer close to climbing up her expression and quickly lean down to press a kiss on my wife's injured cheek.

"Yes, you're right, Miss Bain," I say. "My wife's stunning. In fact, all the ladies here look fantastic tonight."

"You always have kind words up your sleeve, Jackson," the Senator laughs and then faces Desiree. "Darling, Mr. Jackson here runs one of the greatest builders companies in the city. He has great skills in design. Even this mansion..." He gestures towards the ceiling of the grand manor I remember designing two years ago. "It's all his work. One of our best architects!"

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