6 ~ Kissing

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I'm whipped.

I realize it now. I like Milla.

From the first time I saw her, she captured me. I'm enticed by her. She acts differently. When I was her age, I wanted to have fun with my friends until I became a boss. But she doesn't hang out much.

Hey, Milla.

I sent. Looking that it was 4 in the afternoon, I thought she wouldn't respond because of studying or napping. She was at the school until 2 p.m.

I feel like a creep. I know her schedule even. I know everything about her. I know that she gives me looks when we are out for the dinner.

When she opens those kissable lips to speak and her angelic voice starts to talk, I'm over the moon. I could listen to her for hours until I fall asleep.

She responded with a hi like always. I felt like she was too shy to even talk to me sometimes.

How are you doing?

I'm okay. Just got back from grocery shopping. You?

I was thinking about when will be our next date.

I smirked while purposely writing 'date'. She must be getting flustered like she always does. We had about five dinners now and each one is better than the last.

Just spending three hours with her a day gives me peace from my stressful work. I like her a lot. She talks maturely and is so understanding. Something I never knew about.

A date?

Weren't all the dinners we had done dates?

I suppose they were. I've never been to a date before. Can we make the next dinner as the official date?

I thought my heart would burst out at her words. She was so innocent and cute. I wanted to be the first one to teach her everything. She captivated me the first day we met.

Yes, we can. Let's go today.

Today? Why so soon?

I want to see you.

I wrote but wanted to take it back the moment she wasn't responding. What was she thinking? I fucking knew that I was rushing things. But she is my sugar baby. She should also accept my invitation.

Alright. I need to get ready then.

I smiled when she responded.

I will pick you up at 7.

I never picked her up. Mainly because she refused it. But I really wanted to.

You don't have to. I will come as usual.

I want to. It's how date works.

Okey. But wait at the end of the street.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why would she say that? Then it dawned on me. Her parents. They don't know.

No problem. See you soon, beautiful.

See you.


I waited in my car at the end of the street like we agreed. My leg bounced up and down like I was nervous. But was I really?

I had no reason to be.

I looked towards the street where her house was and saw her walking in heels. I liked how she was dressing everytime. A perfect amount of elegance.

I opened the door and walked towards her. When she smiled, my heart leapt in my chest.

''Hey.'' She blushed shyly. I smiled and kissed her cheek which I couldn't resist.

''You look stunning. Let's go.'' I said and opened the door for her.

''I was surprised that you asked for tonight.'' She said once I started the emgine.

''I was thinking then decided that I need to rest for a day.'' I said.

''Rest? Why couldn't you rest in your house? Going on a dinner can tire you out.'' She said cutely.

Because you're my only rest.

''Because you can help me rest.'' I said, not missing her blushing.

I realized I feel something for her. Maybe it's because this is my first feeling like this or because I never experienced that someone is nice to me.

''I like your smile.'' I complimented.

''Thank you. No one ever said that to me.'' She amswered shyly.

''I'm glad to be the first one.'' I chuckled.

We arrived at the restaurant I made a reservation at. It was in a private lounge room. I didn't want anyone recognizing me or Milla.

I led Milla towards the lounge and sat her next to me. She smelled divine.

We ordered the wine and the food she chose this time. I was close to her and she was all flustered because of it. Her cheeks were bright red as she wanted to look away from me.

''It's funny how are you still shy in front of me. After we got to know each other a lot.'' I said, sipping on the wine.

''You're a little intimidating. It's not that I'm shy.'' She answered while looking at me with those green eyes.

''I've been told that a lot. I apologize.'' I said. She shook her head and put her hand on mine sending electricity and warm feeling through my body.

''You don't have to apologize. I will try to not be shy. You're right. We know each other now.'' She smiled warmly.

I nodded and started eating. She was enjoying food as we were talking. About everything and anything. Then I noticed a little bit of sauce at the end of her lips.

I wanted to reach for the napkin but changed my mind in the last moment. I took her chin between my fingers and pulled her face towards mine.

''You have something here.'' I said, nodding towards her lips. She was confused until I hovered with my lips above hers. Her pupils dilated while looking at me.

I pressed my lips on hers in a kiss. Something I thought will never happen. Her next move surprised me.

She parted her lips and took my lower lip in between hers. I was stunned by her move but decided to deepen the kiss. I wanted to be rough and claim her lips hard but remembering she is innocent and fragile, I took my time.

She put her arm around my neck, kissing me more feverishly. I never would have guessed that she would take the lead. But it excited me and my little friend down there.

I started pulling away to catch a breath but she clung to me. I chuckled as I brought my hand to caress her cheek.

''Someone got excited.'' I laughed. She blushed, smiling.

''It was amazing, sweetheart.'' I said, pecking her lips.

''Thank you. It was my first time.'' She said. I internally cheered.

''You're a great kisser for the first time.''

''Thanks.'' She said, kissing my cheek softly. And that night, I fell asleep with a smile.


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