Meet and greet

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(Lana's POV)
I couldn't just tell her that I'm her mother. I had to get proof first. I then realise that Lily is still waiting for an answer. "Uh.. it's nothing. Just not feeling too good" I say with a smile. She looks at me, I can tell she doesn't believe me. "Okay." She says and smiles back. Her smile makes me feel so happy. It gives me hope that if she is my daughter, she is happy. "Anyways, I have to go to meet and greets. Are you meeting anyone?" I say she looks at me with a bright smile on her face. "Yes well, you!" She says while laughing "but I think I already have! Unless this is a dream." She says, still laughing. I laugh back. "Want me to pinch you?" I say in a joking way. She smiles and I wave goodbye while walking back stage. "See you in a minute!" I hear her shout as she walks out of the hall where the vidcon took place. I smile and head to my meet and greet stand.

As I walked out, I looked at the queue, it was massive! There must have been at least 500 meet and greets to do before I could see Lily again. I sat down and start talking to the first person. She was a young girl and she was looking for someone, she didn't see me sit down. "Hey! Are you ok?" I say and she turns around to look at me. "Oh my gosh hi! I'm sorry I didn't see you sit down. I was just looking for my friend. Her name is lily- I thought she would have ran here to meet you." She says. I look at her and think for a moment. "Is lily 10? And did she receive a feather charm from me yesterday?" I say as she looks at me confused.
"Yes! Why?"
"She will be at the back of the queue, I stopped her before she came out and had a chat with her." I say and she smiles. "Oh! That explains it" she says while laughing. I laugh back and sign the poster she lay out in front of me. "Tell me Izzy, is Lily adopted?" I say, hoping I didn't go too far. She looks at me for a moment and says. "Yes, we both are, we grew up in the foster home before we both got adopted together. My mum's best friend is Lily's mum, so we grew up together. Apparently, our birth mothers were best friends too! Coincidence right?!" She says as I look at her and drop my pen on the table. She looks at me worried and says "Lana, are you ok?" I snap out of my thought bubble and quickly reply. "Yes, yes I'm fine! Did your mother leave you with anything? I know Lily's did!" I say and she starts to tear up. Oh no, I had lily crying and now I started to make Izzy cry too! "Actually yes." she says, wiping her tears away with her sleeve. She holds out her wrist to show me the same bracelet and charm Lily has on. "Our birth mothers wanted us to become friends like they were." She says and I smile. That's when I knew it was true, I really was Lily's mother. And Bex was Izzy's mother! "Excuse me a moment." I say and walk to Bex's stand.
"Bex?" I say and she turns around
"Lana! Hey" she says, wondering why I'm behind her. "Shouldn't you be at your meet and greet?" She asks.
"I need to talk to you, now." I say and pull her behind a curtain.
"I found them." She says and Bex looks at me with a confused look.
"Who Lana?" She says
"OUR DAUGHTERS, they are both here! They are best friends, just like we wanted them to be!" I say and smile, while letting tears fall from my cheeks.
"Lana. Are you serious! I can't believe this. I have regretted giving Izzy up since the day I did it." She says. "Where are they?"
"They are waiting in line for meet and greets. They don't know yet, I'll ask them to come to a private room after the vid con later and we can speak to them." I say. "Izzy is making her way to your stand now- so keep an eye out!" I say
"I don't know what she looks like Lana!"
"You will know" I reply. I smile and walk away and watch as Bex sits back down.

(Bex's POV)
I can't focus for the rest of the meet and greet, all I can think about is Izzy. Where is she? When will she get here? Will she want to come back with me? Does she know who I am? All these questions keep circling around my head when a young girl, with long brunette hair that is styled with light curls and a once upon a time hoodie wrapped around her waist walks over to me. She was wearing black leggings and a black t-shirt with the word MARVEL in the middle. I chuckle quietly, she's just like me. Marvel and OUAT and I'm set for life! She has green eyes and pink lip gloss on. "Hi!" She says. Her voice so calm.
"Hey! What's your name?" I say back
"Izzy! And I don't need to ask you yours, I already know!" She says while laughing. I don't laugh back and it makes her uncomfortable. It's not that I don't find her funny. It's that Lana was right. I would know when I see her. Izzy. My daughter, standing right in front of me. "I'm a big fan!" She says, breaking the silence. I smile and grab my pen from the table. "Why thank you very much Izzy!" I say and sign her poster. She smiles back and starts to jump up and down. "I can't believe this is happening! I am meeting THE Rebecca Mader!" She says as I start laughing. She stops jumping and laughs too. "Have you spoken to Lana?" I say and she nods. She starts to get more excited. "She told me that me and Lily are coming to a meeting room with you both! I am so excited!!" She laughs and I wave goodbye as she walks away. "See you after!" She shouts as she runs away and jumps into the arms of another young girl. That must be Lily. They both skip to the shopping stands getting their purse out of their bag and buy a matching hoodie. They both put it on and laugh, taking a selfie. That's the friendship me and Lana wanted them to have! I'm so happy they have a good life. I say to myself before carrying on with the meet and greet.

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