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"THE PK FESTIVAL IS JUST ONE MONTH AWAY." Kinekshi announced to the class in his signature spot at the front, he slammed his hand on the poster of the board for the festival "Let's decide what to do for the festival."

Keiko never really minded the festival, she was never too excited about it but it wasn't something she hated, one person in the class spoke how they couldn't come because of after school clubs which some other people also spoke up about too. Kinekshi just smiled at the class "I see. What should we do?"

Keiko raised her hand "How about we put up a display? That way, not everyone has to be there."

"Yes Keiko! That's a good idea!" he gave her a nod "Let's make something together after school!" once again another person spoke up about having an after school club and Mera also raised her hand claiming she had to work after school which everyone instantly believed.

Someone ended up holding a weirdly shaped rock and suggested to put it up on display which the whole glass agreed to "Let's all bring interesting-looking rocks and display them!"

"Good idea! Then we can be free for both the day of and after school!" the whole class started to cheer at the idea and then turned to their class representative "Okay, Hairo. Let's do that!" 

He gave them a smile "So, our class will display interesting rocks found in the schoolyard, deal?" everyone agreed until Kinekshi's tone changed dramatically "No! We only get to take part in this festival three times during high school. Do you really want to waste it on something like that?"

Keiko watched Kinekshi place his hands on the desk, dramatically crying about passion 'He always gets so upset over these small events.' This seemed to get the rest of the class fired up because of him.

"All right! Let's give it our all! I have a suggestion for our display, too." Kinekshi said to the class "How about each person makes a thousand paper cranes?" everyone's faces went blank as he carried on talking "Wouldn't having 36,000 cranes on display be magnificent? Actually, let's make that 50,000. About 1,389 cranes per person. One month is plenty of time!"

"Kinekshi... I don't mean to be rude but why don't we just do something simple like a food stall? It would be easy for everyone else." she said giving him an awkward smile.

"Great idea! That would be more fun than holding an exhibition." someone in the class told her.

"I guess." Kinekshi pouted at her "I thought my idea was good though." everyone let out a sigh of relief until he turned around and wrote it on the board "Well, I'll write mine down for now." he then turned back to the class again "Any other ideas?"

Keiko Mochizuki | S. KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now