What they call you, Part 2

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Sweetie, the sane one, precious

He isn't around a lot and usually does not use pet names, however, when he is stressed and tired he calls you the pet names.

Lionel Shabandar

Sweetcheeks, darling, cub, hun

Lionel usually uses pet names, both to show his love for you but also to show people that you are his and should not be messed with.


Darling, sweetling, precious, young one

William uses pet names to show his adoration for you. However, he prefers to use your name most of the time as he usually sees no point in them.

Obadiah Slope

Darling, sweetness, dearest.

Obadiah is not a usual fan of pet names as he prefers using your name, however, if he is concerned for you then he will use the pet names he has for you.


Pretty girl/boy, my favourite student, minx/manx

In lessons he just calls you your name, however, in private he only calls you pet names as when you are alone he is usually ploughing you.


Sweetcheeks, second in command, hun, love

Elliot always uses pet names instead of your name, however, you know that if he uses your name that something bad happened.

Sheriff of Nottingham

Sweetling, darling, your title (such as Duke or duchess)

He uses your title around other important guests, however, usually, he calls you pet names. If he wants to tease you (which is often) he will address you as your title for no reason but to annoy you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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