Chapter 3 | Fear

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I brightly smile at everyone as they greet me and asks about the bride who is in the brides room. I stay with my cousin Farrah who looks more comfortable and unbothered than me who is time to time looking around to see if my cousins or any other boys from the groom side is near us.

Everybody cheers loudly when the grooms car park and my cheeks are hurting from grinning widely. I stay in the corner while admiring ammi and abbu who is happily welcoming their soon to be son in law Ayaan Yusuf khan. The name itself looks like he is some hefty man.

Well, he is, from looks and from books.

His name is all over the magazine for being the most successful entrepreneur in such a young age, he is just 25 and in that age there are many people who is sleeping in their home, doing nothing but annoying their parents.

From the way I am keenly noticing everything I can tell he does not smile a-lot but there is a guy standing beside him who is grinning happily as if it is his wedding.

My soon to be brother in law gives ammi a smile when she jokes something which made everyone laugh and from the way everyone our laughing I can tell it's not some lame joke, I am not able to hear but I am already grinning and giggling to myself for no reason.

Gosh I so want to go there and tell bro it's your marriage you can laugh, nobody is gonna judge you if you laugh. But I don't even have guts to make myself visible,  how am I even in the world gonna say so many things.

But one thing I am sure of is he is just like Zaina, perfect, both are boring.

When I was having a nice view from afar Ammi thought this is the right time to introduce me to the groom in front of everyone.

"Kinza!! Come here" I click my tongue so near to yell at her in frustration but gulp down my hot blood. I squeeze my hands together as I walk towards Ammi who is grinning at me as if she is proud of yelling my name in front of everyone--okay in front boys!!

When I am near her she quickly pulls me by my wrist and wraps her arms around my shoulder to push me in the front, my eyes all the time on the clean floor which is gonna be dirtied by the kids in few minutes for sure.

I use all my energy to stand still so Ammi does not push me to the front, my cheeks hitting up when I see everyone looking at me with interest, lets not talk about my poor heart which is being tortured nonstop because of this cruel people.

"Introduce yourself darling?" If I was not in this situation my eyes would have balled out after hearing Ammi calling me Darling but I am not sane nor my heart and body is so I just repeat the three words in my mind multiple time just so I do not stutter and make a fool of my self 'I am Kinza Ahmad, I am kinza Ahmad, I am Kinza Ahmad' good now just let it out loudly.

"I-I-I" go dump yourself in the mud rather than standing here and embarrassing yourself "I-I am Kinza Ahmad and yeah I am Kinza" I nervously laugh but feel proud after completing a sentence in front of a boy—he is not a boy, he is a Man. But still same gender!

"She is little shy" Mamma laughs and I can clearly tell it's fake "Kinza don't be shy my girl, Ayan is gonna be your  brother-in-law soon darling" I nod feeling awkward but take a peek at the overly handsome guy only to feel my heart skipping when our eyes meet.

In no second I look down squeezing my finger and chewing my inner cheeks I stand there all flustered in a good way, not in a bad way guys. Do not at all spam me with 'it's wrong to blush while looking at your brother in law, he is your sister's husband have some shame, don't be a wrecker and all cause I think when Allah created me he pressed the button of getting shy and flustered without any reason on high so even if a girl passing by tells me my dress is nice I get all flustered that doesn't mean I am lesbian so please.

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