Chapter 7 -Oh you met Marinara sauce!

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Before he had the chance to hit on the breaks, I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door and slammed it before he had the chance to process what was going on.

"How did you..? When did you...? How'd you even know?" He laughed, getting out of the car and locking it.

"Did you not notice the amount of times you locked and unlocked your own car door? And you kept side glancing me like you thought I was just sitting there not paying attention to my surroundings."

"Oh really. If you're so smart then when exactly did that happen Dr. what's-his-face-from-criminal-minds?" He challenged as he crossed his arms, leaning on the hood of his bright, red Jeep. His laugh literally makes me happy. Because it's contagious, not because I like him. Ew not even a little bit.

"First time, it was 15 mins into our drive when we passed the McDonald's on Main Street and the second time was 5 seconds ago when we turned left to get here. How's that for smart. And his name is Dr. Spencer Reid you uncultured swine." I sneer back.

"Oh my apologies ma'am I wasn't aware that his name was supposed to be common knowledge." He said, hands up in defeat. "But that was a little too specific don't you think?"

"Nope. I watch enough crime shows to know that you should always be aware of your surroundings at all times, you should always keep your phone in your hand in case you needed to make a quick call and to always have your hand on a protection device in case you get blitzed." I said in one breath.

His eyes were wide in shock, processing the overload of info he just got. When he didn't say anything for a whole minute, I left him to go inside and order us food.

I opened the door and the smell of grease and frying caught me off guard. The place had a very cozy interior with red walls, cute little booths, and a jukebox. An actual 1970's jukebox. I think they're trying to make it seem like a diner from the '70s and they're honestly succeeding because it felt so warm and welcoming.

"Hi may I help you?" Asked the girl behind the counter.

"Yes hi, I'd like to order but it's my first time here. What would you recommend?" I smile.

The girl standing in front of me couldn't have been older than twenty one. She has dark ombré hair, a dimple on one cheek and is of average height. Her name tag read "Marina."

"Honestly I would recommend the fettuccini Alfredo with a side of Cesar salad...." Before she had the chance to continue, another girl appeared out of nowhere, jumping all excitedly.

"Yo! Isn't that Axel out there! I  would recognize that car anywhere! Should I go say something? Should I go say hi? Do you think he'll remember me?"

"Stacy will you calm down! Why are you acting like the energizer bunny on crack? He's just a dude bro, go up to him and say hi."

"Just a dude?? Are you sure we're living on the same planet? This guy is the epitome of gorgeous! Have you seen those curls? And the dimples? And the eyes?" She sighed, clearly in her own little world. Three seconds later, she snapped out of it and continued her little rant. "And apart from all of that he's a civil engineering graduate who is already on his way to establishing his own company! If this isn't every single girl's dream then I don't know what is!" She exclaimed, fixing her hair on one of the countertop reflections.

I mean every girl's dream is to eat without getting fat, but go off I guess. Maybe even meet Dylan O'Brien or like Ian Somerhalder.

Marina and I exchanged these weird looks and it seemed like she's been hearing a lot of this, even more so if this is Axel's favorite spot. I have to order and get the heck out of here before she figures out he's my friend. I'll never hear the end of it.

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