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Baddies of the BAU

Hotch: who put up the anti straight people posters all over the bullpen lmao

Reid: Derek and Emily, I saw them when I came in early for coffee.

Emily: snitch 🙄 stfu stringbean

Derek: fr Reid it's for the greater good 🤬

Rossi: what's wrong with straight people?

Hotch: everything

Hotch: I mean, nothing, I was advised to tell whoever did it to "stop immediately" so I guess this is me telling you to "stop" or whatever

JJ: who replaced hotch with someone laid back

Hotch: it was funny I can't lie and say I didn't find it funny

Emily: hotchy poo a real one 💋💃🏻🍷 love to see it

Derek: #gayshatestraights ❤

Rossi: ...

Y/n: homie is googling where to mass buy rugs and matches AS WE SPEAK 😨💀

JJ: y/n...💀


Emily: can't burn me alive I'm too sexy 🤨

Rossi: why would I buy rugs and matches??

Hotch: omw to disconnect his internet.

Y/n: as you should hotchy 🔥

Hotch: yes will go do that now :)

Rossi: WAIT NO?

Emily: Rossi you can't hatecrime us🙄🙄

Rossi: HUH

Garcia: guys! Leave him alone:(  he doesn't even know what that means

Derek: until he figures it out and burns us all 😐👨🏾‍🍼😱

Y/n: please Rossi I have a family don't do this 😱😱😱😱😱😱

Rossi: ..

Rossi: I'm going to take a nap on my office couch, I never understand what you kiddos are on about anyway

Emily: is that hetero talk for burn the gays or 🤨😐

Derek: EM LMAO💀

JJ: emmy please...

Hotch: guys leave Dave alone before he cries again, alright?

Y/n: fine 🤕

Emily: who else am I supposed to bully😠 dereks being decent today so I can't bully him

Derek: thank you I'm trying 🚗 👨🏾‍🚀

Y/n: We appreciate the effort tbh 🧐

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