Chapter 11

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"Hey, Pansy," Hermione said one night, as the pair was getting ready for bed. "You never finished the story about Emerale. I always fall asleep before story time. How does it end? Does Emerale ever find a human?"

Pansy smiled softly at the small, sleepy girl as she tucked her in. "Yes, Emerale did. Would you like to hear the ending?"

Hermione bobbed her head.

"Emerale and all the friends she had made on her journey finally came across a human village. The dragon almost couldn't believe it — and the humans couldn't either. Like the dragons had storied about humans, humans had stories about dragons. Those stories, however, told of dragons that burned down villages and destroyed towns. The humans were terrified of the young dragon. Emerale didn't know what to do. She was curious about the humans, but she their hunting weapons and their yelling scared her.

"But then, a small human girl — about your age, Mini — ran out in front of the other humans until she was right in front of Emerale, who was hovering in the air to remain out of reach of the weapons. 

"'Hello,'  the girl said, 'My name is Krissa. What's yours?'

"Emerale landed on the ground in front of the child, ignoring the screams that erupted from the humans gathered behind the girl. The dragon lowered her head so that it was level with Krissa's. 'Hello, Krissa. My name is Emerale.'

"'Emerale,' Krissa whispered. 'That's pretty. Are you... are you a dragon?'

"'Yes, little human.'

"After seeing that the dragon had no plans to hurt Krissa or anyone else, the other humans slowly put away their weapons and gathered closer to ask questions. Emerale stayed close to Krissa as she talked with the other humans. They all agreed that Emerale could stay with the village for a time. They would learn from each other and help each other.

"So Emerale stayed at the village as the seasons changed and the little girl, who became her closest friend, turned into a young women. Eventually, though, Emerale knew that it was time for her to return to her mountain home. She didn't want to leave her best friend behind, and Krissa didn't want to stay behind, either — a close bond had grown between the two.

"Emerale knew, however, that Krissa couldn't survive in the dragon's cold, mountain home. Using their close bond, Emerale gave Krissa the most special gift that a dragon could give: some of the fire from her belly. That fire was magic, and the first witch was born.

"Now with the ability to survive in Emerale's home, Krissa left her village and journey back to the mountain with Emerale. There they stayed for a time, until their love for travel and adventure pulled them back out into the world. It is said that even today, Emerale and Krissa can be seen flying together through the sky, going wherever the wind takes them.'"

Pansy smoothed her hand over Hermione's hair. "Wow," Hermione whispered. "That's amazing. And Krissa was so brave."

"Just as brave as you, sweet girl. Now sleep."


For the first time since... since Hermione had been turned into a four-year old, Pansy was not shaken awake by an eager Hermione.

Pansy's eyelids fluttered open to gaze into a pair of hazel eyes. Slowly, she realized that her legs tangled with someone else's, their feet brushing together. Pansy hesitantly raised her arm, her fingers lightly brushing against the face inches in front of her own as if to make sure it was real. "Hermione," she breathed.

Hermione nodded, her eyes watering and lips breaking into a grin as she surged forward to wrap Pansy in a tight hug.

Pansy returned the bone-crushing grip. "You're back," she found herself whispering, "You're really back."

After not nearly enough time, the girls released each other. They sat up in the bed, but remained nearly touching. Hermione swiped at her eyes.

"Thank you... for taking care of me," she said quietly, meeting Pansy's eyes then darting her eyes away again. "You were... Well, thank you."

"Of course, Mini." Pansy brushed a stray curl from Hermione's face before winced. "I guess I can't call you that anymore, can I?" She'd never admit it to anyone, but the thought made her sad.

Hermione blushed. "No, I- I like it."

Pansy's lips spread into a grin, "That's a relief." Hermione laughed.

They sat in a companionable silence for a few minutes before Pansy sighed. "I guess we should tell McGonagall."

"Do we have to?" Already knowing the answer to her question, Hermione called for Mippy.

"What can Mippy be doing for the Mistresses today?" Mippy's eyes landed on Hermione. "Oh! The young mistress is big again."

Pansy giggled.

"Yes, I am," Hermione said kindly. "Could you pass that information to the Headmistress, please?"

Mippy nodded eagerly before disappearing with a pop

Pansy looked Hermione over, refusing to admit even to herself how thrilling it was for Hermione to be back in her normal body.

"I'm surprised your clothes fit," was all she said, though many more thoughts were crowding her mind.

"Yeah, and the bed's back to its normal size too. I'm guessing it's some sort of house elf magic, that everything that was changed to accommodate my... change... would automatically switch back when I did."

With a smirk, Pansy told her, "You look cute in your dragon pjs." 

Hermione blushed. Before she could think of a reply, a sharp knock sounded on the door.

"Merlin, that woman is fast," Pansy muttered, swinging her legs off of the bed and padding over to the door.

"Good morning, Headmistress," she greeted with a yawn. "Hermione's in her bed still."

After quickly returning the greeting, McGonagall moved to Hermione's bed and conjured a chair beside it, sitting down. Wanting to be close but uncomfortable with returning to Hermione's bed with McGonagall watching them, Pansy awkwardly hovered beside the chair. 

"Ms. Granger, I am glad to see that you appear to be back to normal. How are you feeling? What do you remember?"

"I'm good, Professor... great, even. And I-," she glanced at Pansy who was pacing nervously while keeping her eyes on Hermione's face. "I remember everything." Hermione looked down at her hands, folded tightly in her lap. She smiled softly. Then, hit by a sudden thought, her head flicked up, her face stricken. "Merlin, I'm so behind. How will I ever catch up?"

Pansy's nerves shattered as a bout of laughter overwhelmed her. McGonagall simply scanned Hermione appraisingly, commenting, "Yes, completely back to normal."

Once Pansy caught her breath, she told the worried girl, "Mini, you were four years old and still participated in our normal classes. Merlin, you did more in Potions than Harry and Draco combined." She glanced at McGonagall. "Um, you didn't hear that, Professor." McGonagall only grinned.

"Well, yeah, I'll be fine in potions, but since I wasn't allowed a wand, I didn't pay in attention at all in Charms or Defense or Transfiguration... and even if you took Arithmancy, that would've been way over my head."

"Hermione, you've only been back for a few hours. You'll have plenty of time."

"Ms. Parkinson is right. You've only just returned to your original age, and will likely require some time to adjust. Besides, if anyone can catch up after spending over a month as a child, then it is you, Ms. Granger." McGonagall stood, smoothing her robes and banishing her conjured chair. "Now that I am content that you are well, I will take my leave and give you time to cope with this change. Truly, don't worry about your studies. They will still be there tomorrow." As an afterthought, she added, "I will have the house elves send food up. It would be best to tell the student body that you have returned to normal instead of starting a riot by you simply walking in for breakfast. Get some rest, both of you."

When the door closed behind the older woman, Pansy collapsed on the foot of Hermione's bed. "How long before the boys come barging in, do you think? Today's Saturday, and I don't expect them to stay away once they hear the news."

Hermione laughed. "Don't get comfortable."

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