The Bucket List - Part 2

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Note from ella:

Two chapters in one night, as a coming-back present, after I left you for so long :) Let me know what you think?

Part 2: Written

          The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. Ian looked at Carmen’s barely touched poutine. Not at all bothered by the fact that there were two minutes to get to class, he scooped up the gooey mess of fries, cheese and gravy, and stuffed it in his mouth. Everyone laughed, but Carmen gave him a look full of the deepest disgust.

          “Why are you so gross?” she demanded.

          Ian gave an enormous swallow, and glanced over at her with a bored expression. “Why is your face so gross?”

          Carmen scowled, suddenly losing her flirtatious manner. Ian seemed to have that effect on her – he made her feel immature and stupid whenever she acted in a way by throwing herself at guys, and Carmen never appreciated being made to feel that way. Small wonder they didn’t get along.

          Chance, as usual, broke the angry silence between the two. “Know what class you’re going to next?”

          “Something to do with school,” Carmen replied vaguely.

          “Dunno,” Ian answered at the same time.

          “Oh right,” Greg remembered, and snapped his fingers. “Hey, 37!” he hollered at a bimbo hovering at a nearby table.

          She trotted over, scowling. “I’m number 27.”

          “Whatever,” Greg said with attitude. “Where’s my schedule?”

          “Sheyanne has it,” she answered. Sheyanne was number 1, and frequently deluded herself with the fantasy that she was his favourite. I knew for a fact that Greg didn’t even know her name.

          “Well go get it,” Greg said rudely, and number 27 whirled around and trotted off obediently.

          “You shouldn’t talk to them that way,” Lacy said mildly, before she could stop herself.

          Greg looked at her in surprise. Lacy never spoke to him voluntarily. “Why not? They’re throwing themselves at me, why can’t I take advantage?”

          Lacy normally hated talking to him, but right now she tilted her chin up stubbornly. The rest of us watched, distracted for a moment by this unusual occurrence. “Because you can’t just use them!”

          “They want to be used,” Greg explained, irritated.

          “That still doesn’t mean that---” Lacy began heatedly, but Ian took her hand, pulling her off the bench. The two quiet ones got along well. Maybe there was something between Ian and Lacy.

          “Come on,” Ian said gently, “We’ll be late.”

          Lacy sent Greg a parting scathing look before getting up and following Ian, still holding hands. Greg watched them go, a somewhat bewildered expression on his face.

          “Since when has Virgin Mary grown a backbone?” he asked in honest surprise.

          This annoyed me a lot. “First, stop calling her that. Just because she doesn’t sleep with anything that moves doesn’t mean she’s any less desirable. Second, she’s always had a backbone, but unlike the rest of us, she not only protects herself, but others too. She’s good, Greg, that’s what she is, so lay off her!” I snapped.

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