26: must stand firm and hold his own

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I didn't expect this to be easy. I didn't expect it to be this hard either. I find the camp where my father is supposed to be. But it's chaos. People are running everywhere, bleeding. And I haven't seen him since I was small. I know his face, but it's a blur in my mind. And all the men look alike in their drab costumes.

"Are you lost?" a boy, in military dress, catches my arm, "You should go home, no one is allowed in camp."

"I'm---," I'm looking for my dad sounds horrible. "I'm looking for Captain Peleus?"

"He's summoning his troops now, if you have a message you'll have to deliver it later," he says, "Sorry. I'm Auto."

I consider my name, which now will give me away. What if he calls someone and sends me home? I can't. Not when I'm so close. I use my grandfather's pet name for me, "Pyrrus. Can I help?"

"Yeah, we're running messages between the fronts. Here," he rushes to a tent where he finds me a military shirt like his. "Can you run?"


Between Lions and MenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon