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Tony realized that he needs to look more closely to what Peter was doing. The kid was smart, a genius really, but he makes stupid and weird decisions. Definitely someone who needed guidance. So, he made a decision, that Peter, might as well live up to the make up excuse they made to his Aunt to hid the fact that Peter was indeed Spider-Man.

He was a great intern, he knew his way around the lab, somehow have the knowledge of every tool, how to use it and giving it weird names, why Peter call a hammer a knock off mew mew was beyond him.

Peter can keep up with Tony and his over excited very sleep deprived brain. Surprisingly enough to Tony, he knows about cars way too much. Well, Peter did told him that the very first book he read when he was young was May's car manual.

Well, that's how it is for about 5 months now. News came to Tony that Peter have made an impression to the other employees in the Tower. Having a teenager going around the tower and taking stuff then disappearing does get the workers talking. He was nice enough to not tell Peter that apparently he was labeled as Ghost boy.

To make it better Peter doesn't talk whenever he goes down to get the things Tony ask him to get. Peter was shy and really nervous whenever he roam the Tower. He would always wear his hood up, the MIT hoodies that Peter took from Tony, though he doesn't really mind because Peter does get really cold all the time.

It was funny, he watched and listened to the conversations and gossips surrounding his intern. His workers somehow manage to come up with a story about the roaming little ghost thief, AKA Peter, in the tower.

Apparently, Peter was a son of previous worker in the tower. Peter then died in a lab explosion that had happened when he visited the tower. Peter's father quit working at SI because it was too heartbreaking to work in the place where his very own son had died.

Peter's ghost still roam around tower because he was looking for his dad, his dad that had never came back after the lab explosion. Whenever one of the workers or interns saw Peter's "ghost" they would always lit up a candle, well, more of turning on the holographic candle.

Funnily enough, they named Peter's ghost. Peter somehow have the talent to walk and run without making a sound. Resembling a cat, who silently walks around. Also, the time when Peter entered the Tower cradling a stray cat.

That's why Peter went from Ghost Boy to Little Ghost Thief to Tom Cat or just Tom. Peter was confused when Tony will randomly call him Tom or Tommy, sometimes Tomtom.

The employees in the tower would blame Peter whenever they misplace something or if they couldn't find whatever they were looking for.

"Where's the wrench?!"

"Ghost boy is at it again!"

"Where's the disk for the holographic candle? I just saw Tom!"

"The little ghost thief took the flame thrower!"

As much as Tony was having fun, Pepper, however, was not pleased about this. She wanted Peter to be acknowledged as a real Stark Intern in the Tower. It was the least she can do after all Peter have done to help Tony.

It would be beneficial for the teen as well, she thought to her self. It will look good in Peter's college application forms to be known as Stark Industries first ever high school intern and the only Intern Tony Stark will work with.

So, since there will be an Annual Stark Night, Tony will finally introduce Peter to all of the SI employees as his Personal Intern, so any concerns that needs Tony, everyone must give or bring it to Peter.

Much to the embarrassment of the employees, Peter was not a ghost, they realized that the moment Peter arrived with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts for the Annual Stark Night.

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