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I whip my little blue car into the parking lot of the squad complex, steering into a spot and slamming it in park. It's my first day and I'm already late- what a great first impression.

I hate being late for anything; it gives me major anxiety. Dad drew out our goodbye, like he didn't want to let me go, and while I knew it was going to make me late, I didn't have the heart to rush it. For the past five years, it has just been the two of us at the packhouse- this new chapter is definitely going to be an adjustment for us both.

And speaking of new chapters and fresh starts, what a way to begin mine!

I don't even bother grabbing my bags- I can get those later. My only concern right now is getting in there. I'm only ten minutes late, so hopefully I'm not the last to arrive.

I toss my keys into a tote that I sling over my shoulder, climbing out of my car. At least I'm already dressed for training in leggings, a cropped t-shirt, and a pair of gym shoes. My hair's still down, but I've got a hair tie on my wrist just in case. I jog around the side of the building, approaching the gate of the complex. I've never been here before, but Brooke described it really well when she was in Summervale over the weekend.

Things have been pretty crazy on that front lately- Brooke, one of my closest friends from high school, is my brother's mate! I did not see that one coming, but I can't say I'm disappointed. The two of them actually seem great together, and Brooke will be even more like a sister to me now. She's promised that I'm going to love it up here at the complex, so I'm holding her to it...

I'm relieved when I jog through the gate to find that people are still filing in; the field is packed with people, and it doesn't look like anything has started yet. I heave a sigh for the bullet I dodged, sliding my tote off of my shoulder and looking around for familiar faces. I'm looking for Brooke, Theo, Kyla, or...

I swear my heart stops beating in my chest. I wasn't looking for him- but it's him, right? Sexy stranger. He's standing twenty yards from me, and though he looks a little different in the light of day, dressed causally in his workout gear, I know it's him; I'd recognize him anywhere. He's chatting with someone happily, flashing that dazzling smile. Smoothing back that unkempt wavy dark-blonde hair. It's him.

"Quinn!" a voice calls out, and I realize that Theo's standing right near sexy stranger, waving an arm at me. I don't even have time to process what's happening- Theo starts to walk over to me and I plaster on a big ol' smile.

"Hey, big bro," I breathe as he approaches.

He wraps his burly arms around me, pulling me in for a hug. Before he releases me, he ruffles the top of my hair with a hand. Ugh- he's been doing that to me since I was a kid and I fucking hate it.

"Glad you made it," Theo beams as I scowl and run my fingers through my now disheveled hair. "C'mon, I want you to meet the guys."

He throws an arm over my shoulder, leading me back in the direction he came from. Back toward sexy stranger.

I start panicking. Does Theo know? That's stupid- how could he know? We didn't even exchange names and I haven't seen the guy since. But then who is he to Theo? Is he one of 'the guys'? What the hell have I gotten myself into?

We're almost upon sexy stranger and the cluster of dudes around him when he looks up, his eyes meeting mine. Within a few seconds, it's like a host of emotions passes through his eyes- first, recognition, then amusement, and then, when his eyes flit between Theo and I, dread. I wonder if I've got the same look of absolute panic in my eyes as he does.

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