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Five years later

"Aaaand you are listening to Virgin Radio Officiel! We have four striking, handsome, incredibly talented young men in the studio today with us. Please welcome the band Chasing Lightning," the brown eyes man said with a thick French accent with a side smile, the side of his eyes crinkling. The team hooting and clapping along.

"I am your host today, Léo. Can we go around the table and say your names into the microphone?" Léo said as he adjusted the headphones on his head.

"Hey, I am Axel; singer and guitarist from Chasing Lightning."

"I'm Emre; guitarist for Chasing Lightning."

"Bonjour, I am Russell the drummer."

"And I am Malcolm, the bassist."

Cheers erupted from the team in the radio booth when they finished their introductions.

"Now Emre, you introduced yourself as just a guitarist. But all your fans know that you are more than that," Léo said slyly.

Russell and Axel thumped Emre on his back. "Yes, he definitely is an important part of the band," Malcolm said laughing, "he's just too damn modest."

Emre rolled his eyes at Malcolm, his hand resting on his chin as he scratched the designer beard that he now sported. His chestnut hair tamed, pulled back into a bun resting loosely behind his neck.

"Our man here is also a poet," Axel chuckled next to him.

"I moonlight as a poet," Emre interrupted Axel before he could continue, rubbing his jaw his with his palms.

"Well moonlight or not, you have recently published a book of poetry which has been doing really well, oui. Congratulations on that," Léo said again, his eye crinkling in happiness.

"Thank you. But I honestly have all our fans to thank for making the book the success it is," Emre said lowly.

"Yeah, he refused the first two publishing deals because he was worried that no one would want to read poetry by him," Axel shook his head rolling his eyes.

"So, I have the book here, and there is an epigraph there. I am going to read it for the audience; 'for the girl who recognised the poet in me long before I knew him'. It is such a beautiful sentence, and I am going to translate this to French for our listeners: pour la fille qui a reconnu le poète en moi bien avant que je le connaisse. I think we are all dying to know who this girl is, am I right listeners?" Léo said, quirking an eyebrow at Emre who sifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Oh wow, we are getting right into it huh?" Russell said laughing lightly.

"So, for the first time in history, we will make that declaration on who that mystery girls is...," Malcolm said his voice sounding like a gameshow host.

"It's me people, it's me," Axel said in a high pitched voice, tucking his blonde shoulder length hair daintily fluttering his eyelashes as Emre. All for men broke out in laughter, guffawing as Axel continued blowing kisses at Emre.

"There you have folks, the breaking news for tomorrow," Malcolm continued with this deepened voice, imitating the radio host. Rounds of laughter ringing in the studio.

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