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As you keep writing,
The darkening past that you keep lightning,
You won't ever let it go, never try fighting,
From the demons in your mind who keeps shouting.

Shouting in the utter silence,
Breaking every unbothered void in you,
Shaking every part of you which was calm,
Paralyzing every movement except the arm.

That keeps writing all that which was meant to be forgotten,
The despairing moments which left you so rotten,
A soul which was an art now became a start,
A start of something which has torn you apart.

Every single morning, you wake up to hate,
A brightening future ahead yet you set your past as the fate,
The fate which you reminiscence everyday,
You lost your sorted mindset and let the insanity stay.

In your disturbing corpse, bare breathing is left,
Which soon will the devil be able to theft,
You're evolving into nothing-ness,
Piercing through the soul, as your past is whispering the way you became a mess.

The soul departing from the body yelping,
The darkness you approach and nobody is helping,
Not anymore, you start to lose the breathing,
Hence, the past has put an end to you,

W h a t


d r e a d fu l

s i g h t i n g!


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