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Chapter Thirty Three: (Crossover Chapter 2, originally published in Burning Desire)


"Blue skies turn to grey now,
My eyes turn to rain clouds.
And I'm tired.
It's been three weeks since you left me,
So tonight, I'm feeling empty.
I don't know why."


Adrian watched as the walls around the seemingly tough man started to crumble as he stared at the name engraved on the headstone.

This was well thought of. Adrian thought to himself.

As if something snapped inside of Darius, he got on his knees and started to dig in the fresh and soft, soil with his bare hands.

Sylvia's hand went to cover her mouth as her mind registered what Darius was trying to do. She looked up at Adrian, who had a frown marred on his face, and whispered, "Ian, make him stop."

Adrian turned his head to look down at his distressed wife, "I can't. Not when I know the hell that's now unleashed inside of him." He quietly answered back.

"Dar, what are you doing?" Jason pinched the bridge of his nose and stepped forward towards his best friend.

Darius looked like a man who had lost his sanity given how he was digging the grave of the woman he so adored.

His brain did not signal him to do it rather his heart did. That's the funny thing about this particular organ in our body, no matter the situation, it always hangs by the last thread of hope.

Darius had never hoped for anything in his life. For him, it was a preference of the people who had a substandard way of living.

Eirene made him reevaluate his opinions, and he hoped that under this soil, she was still alive.

Jason could not bear to watch his friend suffer like this hence he sat on his opposite side and started to copy Darius' actions.

For his friend's sake, he was ready to go that length even though he had no hope left in him.

Adrian was given a rude awakening of his past as he saw the men in front of him working their fingers to the bone to save their family.

"Stay back." He instructed his wife and sat opposite the headstone before sinking his fingers in the sand.

Sylvia held back her tears as she saw all the men on their knees fighting to keep their promises to one and another.

A shovel would come in handy, she thought and started to look around for it.

Meanwhile, Adrian's gaze briefly went to Darius to see his forehead covered in sweat and his heart went out to him.

No matter however strong a man is, if he doesn't have the woman he loves by his side, he's zilch.

The particles of the sand flew in the air, creating a dust devil around them and besmirching their clothes and faces but they couldn't have cared less.

They had to dig six feet deep if they wanted to retrieve the body if there was anybody buried there, to begin with.

It will take the three of them hours and Darius knew that none of them had that kind of time on their hands.

"He said if I am fast enough, I might be able to save her." Darius spoke for the first time since they've entered the cemetery.

Adrian's eyes snapped to his, "What if she's not here, at all? It could be a trick to distract you."

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