(x) American Gods

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American Gods



Everything in this sorry world revolves around the very same axis fed by money and glory. Wether it was counting the bills you make in a day at your kitchen table or begging the landlord for an extra week until you pay rent. Thing is, we're all laced with the very same thirst and desire for power.

People give their humanity and happiness for a pocket full of Benjamins and wouldn't hesitate to cut off their right hand if it meant a place where the true power resided. On the throne where all decisions were taken and the strongest of crowns laid on velvet pillows with a gold brimming and a bottle of tequila in the arm's cup-holder. That was the harsh reality of the world and, once you see it in your usually occurrences, it was everywhere and wouldn't leave you until you went with it. Blair saw everyone that way; every situation just like that.

Midsummers was a great place to analyze, she found out. She's been doing it for years, after all.

Their world revolved around that exact same axis and their fingers where dipped in the exact same cigarette-ash that stained their lungs. Business people from all around the island reunited at the perfect opportunity to get nothing but richer as the seconds ticked and the drinks trickled down their determined throats. Four drinks were enough for most peoples' lips to loosen, which ultimately led to empty wallets and a lifetime of economical regret. The working world worked the same wether it was the OBX or wherever off the coast. People came for a drink but were thirsty for nothing but the rush it offered. They put a show on for the kids and let them dress pretty and hold flowers as they twirled on the dance floor because reality was possibly the worst thing to show their still-developing brains.

What you could show an exited child, however, were the gorgeous clothes and twirling dresses and multicolored flowers resting over silk-covered tables. Brilliant, crystal bottles of expensive liquor you couldn't pronounce, sleek cars parked out the unimaginably huge country club, reunions in the very heart of it. Jaguar, McLaren, Ferrari; Blair could count and name them all if she put her mind to it. Ivy twines and coral ribbons decorated the pillars set all around, turquoise and beige and white. Each dress was more vivid than the other and the young kids often flocked under the gazebo and shared their thoughts on which one was the prettiest out of them all. Sarah Cameron came at a strong second that year because no one could stop staring at the red-carpet worthy dress that her little sister's body adorned.

Like every year, all attention had been on the Camerons when they entered the plaza, wearing matching smirks that blended into a hue of confidence and madness. Blair caught Topper's eye across the dance floor and he smiled, which she returned almost apologetically, guts twisting with all the secrets she kept in her jaw, cracked open and filled with smoked salmon appetizers (Wheezie put too much in her plate; Blair hated throwing out food).

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