Young lies

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^too lazy to watermark but I doubt someone would want to steal it^

I know I'm not updated a lot but school life and online life are really hard to juggle right now

Kokichi backstory time !!

Chapter two
Young lies

Kokichi was only three when both of his biological parents died in front of him,
with no willing or known relatives the little boy had to move to an orphanage.

Kokichi finally lucked out in life, he grew up in the orphanage, he had great friends
ones that would help him,
they were like a small family to him.
'Dice' that's the name Kokichi came up with.
The rascals would go around playing pranks, drawing on the walls, stealing food,
anything they did was fun, as long as they did it together.

But one day changed everything,
the day Kokichi got adopted.

Even though the small boy was in an orphanage he never expected to get adopted, he always managed to run away any potential parents with his trouble maker attitude.
But he was fine with that, he didn't need a 'real' family,
he already had one there, at the orphanage
but as we've already established,
that's changed.

Not getting into much detail he was mentally and physically abused at home and bullied at school, life couldn't get any worse for
young Kokichi ouma.

The only thing he had left was
himself and his lies.
he couldn't trust anyone, putting up a wall of lies stopped Kokichi from becoming the weak and vulnerable kid he was on the inside.
People could take advantage of the wimpy side of him,
his best option was to lock it away.

———if you're in it, how's school going?———

The purple haired boy had lied so much he doesn't know who he is anymore,
he can't even trust himself.
He's become the person he hates

It's not like he didn't know this before.
In fact, he's hated himself for awhile now, Kokichi's just used to it
The thing he's not used to though is lying to other people,
before the killing game all he did was lie to himself and when it was 'necessary'

his whole personality is a lie.
When he dies that's what he's going to be known by,
a liar.


This one is shorter due to the fact that the chapter this one was based on was thrown together on the spot.

Y'all probably don't trust these words at this point but I plan to update more 🤞

Words: 420😏


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