Tobio Kageyama

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Hey guys! i'm typing this as im on vaca in Alabama visiting family. It's been busy for me but i just wanted to say thanks for the requests. This one is for Swaggymack. This (Y/N) is more chubbier and more isecure so if you aren't like this, just picture it. Anyways, i'll shut up and let you read 😂😂

I took a step onto the court and looked around. It was amazing to see it from the court and not the seats. It was huge and it smelled like people and sweat, along with a bit of grease from...i have no clue where. I was on the girl's team of volleyball and we had gotten to our first match of the season. We had practised along with the guys to see how good they were and well, they ended up putting us in our place.


I ended up on my butt a few times and everyone laughed. I was always trying to join a sports team being as insecure as i was. I didn't want to but i got the courage to when my friends begged me to. The guys and girls giggled at me when i fell and no one helped me up. I was on the heavier side as well so all the people around me looked like twigs. I wanted to be that skinny but i never could. I felt bad about myself always. "Hey, grab my hand and i'll help you up". I looked up as i had stated to have tears well up in my eyes. It was the short black haired guy that was only a bit taller than me. He had such a resting b*tch face. I just grabbed his hand hesitantly and he helped me up. I mumbled thanks as he walked away and we continued the practise and i just sat on the bench.

End flashback

The guys had come to our game after they one theirs the previous day and i felt anxious. I didn't want them and the audience to see me in the uniform. It was a tank top and shorts that were so short, my butt could be hanging out in any moment. I kept to myself and i was mostly left out of everything on th eteam. The friends that begged me to be on the team ended up not talkin to me and it made me feel even worse about myself. I heard a whistle blow and i looked up, getting back to reality. In the time i had stood their to the side, the nets, the balls, and other things had been pulled out and we were starting now. I took a few deep breaths as i walked slowly onto the court and looked out at everyone. I kept pulling my shirt down and adjusting my shoes and such. My anxiety and insecurness was kicking in and i couldn't help it. "(Y/N) watch out!". A voice from the croud called. As i got back out of my other day dream, i saw a white flash coming towards me then i was on my back. I didn't move. I just sat there as i was looking up at the bright lights. I heard muffles and then i felt myself being shaken. I closed my eyes as i drifted to unconciousness.

A few hours later

I slowly opened my eyes as i saw a differnet bright light above me. I blinked a few times and then swung my legs over the bed as i sat up, holding my head with my hand. I tried to stand up but fell almost instantly. I was still dizzy. I head footsteps coming closer so i looked and it was the black haired guy, Kageyama. I could only remember his name cause he helped me up when no one else did. "Hey, you ok?" He looked kind of releaved to see me awake but also still looked stern. I nodded my head and he helped me back into the bed. I tried to get under the thin cover on the bed and hid myself cause i didn't want to be seen after something like that. "Hey, you can leave the nurses when you want. You don't have to get under that sheet. You will only have a minor black eye." He said as he got closer to me and i tried to back away but it didn't work. He stared at me for a few and then left to leave me alone till i could leave on my own. I hope he didn't think i was weird. I juts don't like people seeing me up closer or anything. I never have after i started to get...chubby. I thought as i swung my legs back over the side and got up. I had an ice pack on the side of the bed so i grabbed it and put it on my eye. I left the room with the ice pack and let the nurse know i was going back. She nodded and i walked down the hall slowly. I didn't want to go back after everything and i didn't want to be seen ever again as well. I sighed, which was very sad sounding, and kep trudging towards the gyms. I heard the sound of smacks and volleyballs hitting things. I was almost there when i was grabbed around my waist. I was going to yell but a. hand covered my mouth before i could. They shushed me and turned me around. It was Kageyama again. He grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him. "Follow me. I didn't mean to scare you but i need to show you something." I went though he was going so fast that i was almost pulling him back. He too me outside to the parking lot and around a building. It was peaceful and i breathed a sigh of relief to be out in the open and see the sun setting. He pulled me around another corner and we went through a door. He pulled me in and closed it. It was pitch black and i just stood there. I heard him lock it and flick on a light. I looked and saw him standing really close to me in this small-looking closet. I gasped as i realized how close he was and i cpuldn't move away. "You can't move away from me, (Y/N)> I don't want you to." He got closer and held me as he leaned closer towards my neck and feeling me. I flinched at every touch and i didn't know how to feel. It felt good but i didn't want to do this here. "He..hey i'm sorry. Why are we doing this here? I..i didn't know you....liked me." I blushed as my hands laid on his chest and he looked down at me. "I do like you and i have for awhile. You make me smile when im not here. I can't stop thinking about you." I fiddled with my hands and he went on. " shouldn't. I'm....chubby. It's's not good...I..I" He stopped me and grabbed my wasit to pull my closer. "I like that about you though (Y/N). I think it's attractive,hun. I just want this moment to make you feel better. OK?" He grabbed my chin and lifted it so i looked into his eyes. I nodded and he kissed me slowly. I melted more into the kiss as he kept going and it got more heated. I slipped my uniform off piece by piece and he just stared in awe. I blushed cause it was s new feeling and i wasn't used to it. He slippe dhis shirt ad shorts off as well as he kissed down form my neck to my boobs. He played and fondled them as i moaned lightly in his ear. He seemd to like that cause then he rubbed me through my panties. It made me go more and all i monted was him. He slipped his length out as i slipped my panties down. He grabbed me by my thighs and lifted me up in the air. I instictively grabbed his body and wrapped my legs around him. "I..I'm sorry...I did it as a reflex." he smiled as he kissed me again on my neck and rubbed his length against my core. "That's fine love." I looked down at him as i wrapped my arms around his neck. :Are you sure you like me? Why not someone else?" He smirked and stuck it all the way in slowly. I moaned in pain and clung to him so tight. He pushed me up against the wall to steady ourselfs. "Because again, i'm into thick girls and you fit that description. Plus, i wanted to be the one to please you." He kissed me more as he grabbed my thighs and started to go in and out. I moaned more in his ear and as he went faster, the more i was in love. I grabbed his back and left scratch marks as went harder and harder. His hair was sticking to his forehead and i moved them back. He did look hot with it slicked back. I moaned as he hit my spot one last time and pulled out as he came. He stood there as we both finished and we breathed together. He picked me up again and kissed me all over. "Better?" i nodded as i blushed and back up as much as possible. "Hey, you don't have to back up from me. Im staing with you adn others can judge but i won't care. I'm here for you, Ok?" I nodded and hugged him. We got dressed and stood in there for a minute to prepare for everything after. "Are...Are you sure you like girls like me?" I asked for the millionth time. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close as he kissed my forhead. "Yes sweethaert. You don't need to keep asking me this." I smiled and i ended up holding his hand all the way back to the gym. "I like how big you are by the way, i forgot to say that." He smiled as he glanced at me. "Glad you liked it, cause it's all yours now." He spun me like a princess and dipped me as he kissed me passionately. I heard a bunch of gasping and realized he did that right infront of the gym door. He pulled me back up and kissed me again and the girls scoffed in disgust and some cried out of jealousy. i blushed and he walked me further into the gym as a new section of our life had started.

Thanks ya'll for reading this. I was rushing so my family wasn't seeing me write something like this 😅 ya'll understand that. Also another sorry to it not being in so much detail as the others. I promise the next one will be like all the previous ones! Anyways, thanks for reading, requests are always open and i'll see ya'll in the next one!

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