chapter two

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"dangerous how?" azrael asked.

"you know what.. why don't i show you," axel stood up and motioned the girls to follow him, they did.

"where are we going?" petra asked as they walked out of his home and deeper into the forest.

"i guess i should tell you, so that you can see it." axel said, petra looked at her mother confused. her mother shrugged in response.

"we are looking for finn, the very first half witch, half werewolf." petra gasped, "how?"

"we've kept him hidden. each high priest/priestess that comes to the throne learn of his whereabouts and are to keep him hidden and also check in with him." axel stated, "the only way to find him though you see, is you have to know you are looking for him. no one thinks he is still alive after what happened, so no one thinks to go looking for him. he can only be found if you know that you are looking for finn, the half witch/half wolf. then his home becomes known to us, if you were just walking through the woods not looking for him, his home would never appear to you, you'd walk right past it."

"why is he kept hidden?" petra asked.

"he is being punished for what happened." axel responded.

"for centuries?? he's just been alone? if he is so dangerous how are we able to go visit him?" petra had so many questions.

"he isn't dangerous now, but some people still may feel he deserves to be punished for what had happened, which he will explain when we see him." axel explained. suddenly a cabin appeared before their eyes, two windows in the front and in one, a man stood. he had dark brown hair from what petra could see, and green eyes.

axel walked up and knocked on the door three times, finn answered the door.

"i didn't know i'd be greeted by two beautiful women today, or i would've dressed better." finn winked, he was wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank top.

"hello finn, how are you today?" axel greeted him with a shake of the hand.

"could be better you know, with some company and all." finn shrugged.

"well lucky you, you have us for a few hours today" axel smiled. they all took a seat in the sitting room, across from finn.

"the ladies here need to hear your story, why you are hidden away and all that," axel stated.

"okay so why am i sharing my story with you two?" finn asked looking between azrael and petra. petra glanced over at axel, waiting for him to give her the go ahead on her saying she's pregnant. axel gave a slight nod.

"i'm pregnant," petra responded. finn looked at her with curious eyes, waiting for her to continue. "with a half witch, half werewolf." finn smiled in response and clapped his hands together.

"oh finallly, another one like me. i was wondering when someone would slip up and do that." finn joked.

"yes so you see as to why they need to hear the story." axel stated.

"yes because i was the very first i do see," finn tapped his chin and walked over near the window.

"when i turned 18, i was given my mate. she was the most beautiful woman i had ever laid eyes on. i felt this strong pull to be near her, and that's when i knew she was the one for my wolf. she would be the one to take all the darkness away, and be my light. but we were taking our time and getting to know one another, not rushing into the blood rites. i wish i had rushed it, now that i look back.." he trailed off and looked out the window.

"adena, was her name. another male wanted to claim her as his own, even though he wasn't her true mate, they had no mating signs. her and i did though, we had the same mark, down our shoulder." finn pulled his shoulder sleeve down a little and you could see the black swirls, like a tattoo drawn on him.

"the mans name was griffin, he challenged me for adena. i took the challenge, we fought, i won and instead of sacrificing griffin like the challenges always go, i spared his life." finn sighed.

"out of a jealous rage, griffin attacked adena, saying 'if i can't have her, no one can.' he slitted her throat right before my eyes, i tried to reach him before he got to her but he was too quick. she died right there in my arms.." finns head fell. petra could tell this took a huge toll on him, she felt for him.

"when she died, i had this anger just flowing through me and it just had to be out. my body was trembling and i could feel my magic circling me. people were telling me to calm down, others were trying to grab me and hold me down. but i was too strong, all of a sudden a burst of magic exploded out of me, i don't even know how to explain it. and it killed everyone in the vicinity and if they weren't killed, they were injured badly." finn sat back down, "the five elders came and supposedly killed me, but they brought me here and put a spell on my home. to keep an eye on me. my mother was the high priestess at the time, she fought for my life to be spared. she is the only reason i'm still alive." it was silent for a minute until finn spoke up, "how is my mother?" finn asked looking at axel.

"gwen is doing good, young as ever." axel winked, making finn smile.

"she's still alive?" petra asked, finn nodded, "shes part of this coven, eternity is in the name isnt it?" petra smiled in response.

"i'm sorry about the loss of your mate." azrael said bring them all back to the story finn had just told.

"yes the loss was difficult being my wolf is constantly restless, but maybe the moon goddess will give me another one," finn winked at petra, she blushed and looked down at the floor avoiding eye contact.

"so why continue to keep him hidden if he isn't dangerous anymore? it was the one time." azrael asked.

"people were really angry about the loss of their loved ones, they felt he deserved to be punished and they wouldn't leave gwen alone. who remember at the time was the high priestess. so she told everyone the elders killed him, and 'mourned' the loss of her son openly, while her son was hidden under a strong spell." axel explained.

"the people who lost their loved ones, do you think they are still so enraged that he can't leave?" petra asked. axel shrugged, "never wanted to find out."

"finn is as strong as me, his wolf makes him very strong." axel stated, "your child would have alot of power to control and with the darkness that the wolf gives him without his mate is even harder to control."

"but it is possible!" finn butted in. "you can have your child, and help them avoid this outburst. i only spun out of control out of grief and emotions. my wolf couldn't handle the loss and he made sure it was known, obviously."

"alright well i think petra has enough to think about for today, thank you for speaking with us" azrael said to finn. they all stood and walked towards the door. azrael and axel walked out first, finn grabbed petras hand and pulled her back.

"can i feel?" finn asked. petra nodded and finn placed his hand ever so carefully on her stomach.

"he's going to be a strong one, alpha i'm guessing." finn smiled up at her. petra nodded and started for the door again, "please come back and visit," finn said before she was out the door. she smiled and caught up to her mother and axel.

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