Not So Bad After All

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~For when I am weak, then I am strong.~ 2 Corinthians 12:10

I'm not ready!!! *sniff* any one got a tissue? 😭😭😫😫

I can't even freakin remember how many months this took me—

(S/L): short or long

3rd P.O.V:

The chest breaks open, unlocking the racers and citizens memory as strings pour out of them and attach underneath the protective shell.

. . . . .

Everyone's eyes widen as their memory comes
rushing back. Their faces brighten in nervousness as they dart their eyes away from (Y/N)'s, too.

Sour Bill gently pushes his way the racers, a candy tree limb stuck to his back as his eyes brighten. "Now I remember."

He waddled to stand between (Y/N) and Vanellope, not noticing the confused look on their faces. All hail the rightful rulers of Sugar Rush: Queen (Y/N) and Princess Vanellope."

The racers look to each other in panic; the horrible way they treated the girls coming back to haunt them.

Hearing just made them gasp fearfully, minty on her knees as Taffyta whispered to Candlehead. "I remember now...! They're the queen and princess!"

Candlehead nodded, gulping. "That's right!"

Taffyta then stepped forward, keeping her head down when she noticed (Y/N)'s skeptical eye and protective hand on Vanellope's shoulder.

"W-we're so sorry for the way we treated you."

Rancis frantically nodded, a shaky smile making its way onto his face. "Y-yeah! T-those were just jokes!"

Candlehead burst into tears, pointing a finger at Taffyta as she whined. "I was just down my What Taffyta told me to do!"

Vanellope rose a amused brow at the scene before looking at (Y/N). Seeing the usual mischievous glint in her eyes, (Y/N) smirked and subtly nodded.

Vanellope's amused smile only grew as she spoke. "Tut-tut. As your merciful princess, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be..."

The racers smile big, some shaking thinking they're getting a reward for something as they waited.

(Y/N) squared her shoulders and faked a smile. "Executed."


"No, please!"

"We didn't mean it!"

They cried and they wailed. Felix and Ralph shared a look— this is shocking.

"Oh my land!" Felix placed his hands over his mouth as Ralph cringed.

Calhoun shrugged, amused. "Oh! This place just got interesting."

The racers sobbed as they begged at (Y/N). Taffyta wailing; "I don't want to die!"

The girls looked at each other before laughing, making the racers look at them in feared confusion.

"Ahhhh.... we're just kidding. Stop crying, Taffyta." Vanellope teases at the total mess of a girl.

"You are?" (Y/N) nods and Taffyta fans her face as mascara runs down her cheeks. "...I'm trying... it won't stop."

"Now don't think you won't be unpunished. You're still in trouble." (Y/N) wagged a finger, a stern look on her face. "I haven't thought anything yet, but I'll let you know when I do."

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