Chapter 25 || Redemption

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Chapter 25 || Redemption

A Tim Horton's coffee cup was set down in front of me; a sliver of steam slipping out of the lid.

"Coffee isn't the greatest thing to have when you're sick, you know." I rasped out. Picking up the cup.

"That's why I got you tea."

My nose crinkled up and i set the cup back down. "Yeah, no thanks."

"From what I can tell you have a sore throat. The tea will help," Noah said, grabbing the cup off the coffee table and handed it to me, "Drink."

I sent a glare his way. And set the tea back down,"Still not going to drink it."

"You're throat, do what you want."

I rolled my eyes.

"For all i know you could have drugged it." I said.

You have to admit, you couldn't really blame me.

He didn't answer.

"So what? Have you been stalking me?" I asked as he settled himself into a chair beside the couch. "You know stalking an individual is a characteristic of an abusive person."

"I wasn't stalking you, remember the mates thing I talked to you about earlier?"

"Oh please, are we coming back to this subject again?" I said sitting up and standing. "If you're going to start making up excuses again I'll show you out. I'd rather not be subject to your bull shit tonight." Staring into his eyes I dared him to mention it.

"I'm not making excuses, what I did was wrong. I was simply going to explain to you how I knew where you were, and how I knew you were sick." He said, staring back at me with equal intensity.

I sat back down, "Okay, continue." I swung my legs back onto the couch and pulled the blanket back over me.

"Mates have instinct. We are able to feel each other. Of course I can feel you more than you can me, but that's just because I'm an Alpha. I know how you feel and I can and track where you are. So if I wanted to find you I could. When you got sick I felt you." he said.

"Wait, you can read my thoughts?"

"I can feel your feelings." he said.

"What's the difference?"

"Thoughts are more factual, I'd be able to know exactly how you're feeling. Feelings, well you've got to read into those."

"I can't feel you though." I said, " we probably aren't actually mates," i finished off mumbling.

"We are mates, Sarah, I know that for certain." He said, "but since you are human you can't feel me till the mating process is complete."

"Mating process?" I asked, trailing off.

I saw a cheeky smirk starting to grow on his face and somehow I knew where this was going

"You know what, nevermind, I'd rather not know."

A twinkle entered his eye, "whatever you say."

I picked up a couch cushion and threw it at his face. Of course he caught it. But still, it was worth a try.

I sighed, "What are you really doing here, Noah?" I asked, actually picking up the Tim Hortons cup off of the coffee table and taking a sip.

"I came to find redemption."


""'And that, I believe, is what true redemption is, Amir jan, when guilt leads to good,'" Very wise words, I am hoping I can make good of the guilt that has been festering in me." he said, leaning his elbows on his knees, staring into my eyes.

"The Kite Runner?"

"A piece of true literary art, glad you actually read it." He said a smile gracing his lips once again.

"Is that suppose to be a jab at my choice of books?"

"Maybe," a twinkle entered his eyes.

"Hmm, not a good start to redeeming yourself, mister."

"I thought honesty would be a good start."

"Hmm," i said, "maybe."


Noah had gone to the kitchen to grab himself a cup of coffee as I sipped on my tea. It was as disgusting as Harry Styles hair. Don't get mad, his hair just always looked greasy, it was gross, you couldn't blame me.

I let out a sigh. Redemption? I really wondered whether he was going to be able to achieve it.

I took another sip of my tea as Noah came back into the living room.

"So please explain why The Kite Runner is any better than The Fault In Our Stars?" I asked, staring at him as he sat down.

"It tells a tale of an individual facing real dynamic and emotional problems that intertwine with real world problems. It brings out big themes such as shame, courage and redemption that can be relatable to many different situations and people. TFIOS focuses on love, a story told over a million times in a million different ways, there really isn't anything new or deep to it, just a bunch of metaphors and a boy that uses fancy words to woo the women of his interest."

"Never thought I'd ever hear anything remotely intellectual come from your mouth. Congrats, didn't know you had it in you." I said, clapping sarcastically at his reply.

It was weird, I was actually having a conversation with him, I think it has to be a first, all of our other conversations had been about our weird relationship, or the weird werewolves thing. It was strange to actually have a conversation.

It looked as if he was about to say something but suddenly his cell phone started to ring. He held up a finger and said he'd just be a minute. Than he grabbed his phone, stood up, and walked into the other room.

I could hear his voice faintly in the other room, he sounded upset. I got up from my spot on the couch and started to walk into the other room.

"What do you mean he called you? What did he want?" He was pacing around the kitchen, "no, that's not happening. Listen, just hold him off a couple more days and I'll be back-Okay thanks, bye."

He turned around and found me looking at him "Is everything alright?" I asked.

Considering everything that happened while I was with him there could be a lot going on.

"No everything is fine, I can handle it, you need to rest, why don't go back to bed?"

"I really don't appreciate you bossing me around."

He gave me a deadpanned look, "Sarah, it sounds like every time you speak your words rub against sandpaper, your paler than I have ever seen you and it looks as if you really just need to sleep. I think we can both agree you need to rest."

"I didn't say I disagreed with you. I was simply stating I didn't like you bossing me around." i said, rolling my eyes as I walked back into the living room.

I heard a chuckle behind and rolled my eyes again.


I'm back guys! Isn't it awesome! i know it has been sooo long! But I finished the #JustWriteIt challenge last night and I wanted to get a chapter out for you guys. If you want to check out my #JustWriteIt book you can find it on my profile under the name "April Fool and the Big Bad Alpha"

Vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

Anyways how have you guys been doing? I have had a lot of school and I just started a new job so I've been pretty stressed but whatever.


Votes: 350

Comments: 100

Follow me on Instagram and twitter at @AnnaBezoo, I follow back everyone :D

God bless,


P.S. What do u guys think of the new cover?

An Alpha's BiteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant