Chapter 3

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Bunnymund's POV

I hopped out of my hole the same time the yetis got here. It's amusing watching Jack struggle to get out of the sack. North tries to shush Tooth.

Jack obviously is not as amused as I am. "Wow. You gotta be kidding me." The yeti's hoist him up the rest of the way. "Hey! Put me down!"

"I hope the Yetis treated you well?" North spoke with his heavy accent.

"Oh yeahhhh, I totally loved being shoved through a magic portal in a sack." His words were dripping with sarcasm.

He clapped his hands, "Oh good! That was my idea." North moved onto introductions. "You know Bunny, obviously."

I grumbled a few choice words under my breath and rolled my eyes.

Jack deadpans. "Obviously."

North continued, "And this is Tooth-"

Tooth the excitable female she is immediately flew into Jack's face. "Hello Jack! I've heard so much about you, and your teeth."

Jack froze. "My-my what?" That almost got a laugh from me.

Tooth continues talking like he hadn't said a word. "Open up! Are they really as white as they say?" She forcefully opens his mouth to inspect. "Yes- Oh! Oh they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow." The small tooth fairies swoon by her. "Girls, pull yourself together. Let's not disgrace the uniform."

She backs away like she didn't stick her fingers in his mouth. Jack rubs his jaw a little looking at Sandman next.

"And Sandman. Sandy? Sandy," When there's no reaction from Sandy, North nudges him. "Wake up!"

Sandy startles awake and floats back down to the floor with a yawn.

Jack speaks up before North can say anything else. "Anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?"

Sandman starts rapid firing symbols above his head.

Jack, even more confused now, says, "That's not really helping, but- but thanks little man."

Jack touches an elf with his staff and watches as it slides away now frozen. "I must've done something really bad to get you four together- Wha-? Am I on the Naughty List?" He jokes with smile and laughs.

North immediately talks, leaning forward as he does so. "Hah! On Naughty List? You hold record. But! No matter, we overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate." He unfolds his arms holding them out in a welcoming gesture.

"How come?" Jack asks.

I huff, "Hah, good question."

North blinks and repeats him. "How come? I tell you how come! Because now, you are Guardian!" He says that last bit with gusto

The yetis raise lit up poi sticks and the elves start to play a jubilant song with trumpets and drums. North chuckles with a small gleam in his eyes.

Jack starts to visibly freak out as two tooth fairies bgring him a snowflake necklace that looks to be made of paper. I lean on a pole behind me, crossing my arms as I watch with amused.

North speaks up. "This is the best part!"

Elves march around. The yetis with poi sticks walk closer to Jack, then behind him. They prop him up on his spot in the middle of the Guardian symbol. Jack looks down at the two elves wanting him to put on a pair of shoes with confusion. North is still delighted as the yetis present him with a book. The Tooth Fairies twitter, Sandy toasts Jack with eggnog, and I simply roll my eyes.

Always Believe (Bunnymund x Reader)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now