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"Sir you can't go in, we still need to do some check ups" the nurse stopped him from entering Soomin's private hospital room

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"Sir you can't go in, we still need to do some check ups" the nurse stopped him from entering Soomin's private hospital room

"I want to see her"

"You can't go in unless we tell you so! Now wait like other people!" Jungwon sighed and sat on a chair in the waiting room and clutched on the end of his hoodie

"Ms.Jee?" A girl not-so-older than him looked at the nurse

"I'm so sorry, we couldn't save her..." the girl bursted in tears as Jungwon just sat there beside her staring at the ground while waiting for anyone to call him

"Mr.Yang? You can see her" he immediately stood from his chair and followed the nurse

"She's awake but she's really weak. If you came some minutes after the baby could have died. Her wounds are treated and wrapped in bandages" the woman explained before opening the door

"Soomin," Jungwon called her, Soomin's attention diverted to the door where Jungwon was standing

Her face was full of band-aids and her body was covered by bandages, the boy swore he wanted to cry seeing her condition

"how are you... feeling?"

"I'm hungry"

"Do you want me to bring anything from the bar"

"Here's the lunch ms.Park" a nurse placed the tray of food on the table at the end of the bed

"Do you want me to feed you?" Soomin nodded as Jungwon took the bowl of tteokbokki and sat beside her

"How's our baby?" The boy sighed and started feeding her

"The nurse said that it could have... died if we didn't took you to the hospital soon.." she just nodded and played with the sheet on her lap

"Soomin" the girl flinched when Jungwon tried to hold her hand

"Don't.... please" she whispered as tears started to pool in her eyes

Jungwon wanted to know what happened, he wanted to know what caused her to react like this when he just wanted to hold her hand

Now he couldn't do any type of skin-ship with Soomin because of a creep? Hell no he isn't gonna let that happen

"I'm sorry Jungwon..." Soomin wanted to hug him, so badly. She missed him, his small actions which gave her butterflies. Everything, but she was just too afraid to get touched by a man again like he touched her

"I'm so sorry...." Jungwon cleared his throat and stood up "I'm calling Jay to tell him that you're fine. I'll be back in a second.."

The boy took his leave, leaving Soomin alone who couldn't help but cry. She felt so sorry for not letting him hold her hand or do anything normal a boyfriend would do to his girlfriend

"I miss holding her hand" Jungwon sighed and glanced at the girl sleeping on the hospital bed

"You saw with your eyes were she was, she was tied on a chair full of wounds. It will just take time before she will let you hug her again" Jay patted his back to comfort him

"But it's been a week already and she's still afraid of me. I can't get more closer than two meters from her" the older sighed "my sister is really fragile, she's already been traumatized in the past, it's normal for someone to act like that after a dude kept you locked in a basement doing god-knows-what to you"

"Excuse me," Jungwon looked up from the notes Jake gave him since he's been skipping school "I'm the girl that was sitting beside you at the hospital the other week"

"I'm Jee Cho" she extended her hand for a handshake with a smile

"I'm Yang Jungwon" he shook her hand and went back to read his notes. He wasn't really interessed in making a conversation with anyone right now, all he wanted to do was studying the lesson he missed the past week

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Not looking where she was pointing, the boy just nodded

Is it that hard to study at the hospital?

"So why are you here?" Cho asked while resting her head on her palm

"None of your business" he answered, trying to make her go away

"Why so cold? I thought we could go out sometimes?" She pouted while crossing her arms which just irritated Jungwon more

"I'm engaged, I have a girlfriend and I'm not interessed. You would actually be a phedophile, you're older than me and I'm still a minor" he gathered his things and walked away

"Oh come on~ I won't buy the 'I have a girlfriend' excuse!" The Cho girl whined while following him to Soomin's room

"It's not an excuse, I have a girlfriend. Now leave me alone before I call the security" Jungwon entered inside and locked the door

"Jungwon..." Soomin woke up, the soon-to-be-father approached her bed but never sat on it "can you hug me..?"

"Of course!" The Yang wrapped his arms around her as Soomin buried her face in the crook of his neck. Oh how much he missed this

"I love you Jungwon, I'm sorry for everything I made you go trough" the male patted her head and hugged her tighter

"It's ok love, I still love you more" he whispered before breaking the hug and kissing her all over the face

"Yah wonie!" she started giggling as Jungwon never stopped placing sweet kisses on every inch of her face

"Hey your baby bump is getting bigger! We're almost at four months, right?" Soomin nodded while smiling

"We can know the gender soon!" Jungwon started jumping happly around as Soomin just watched him while being a happy mess

"We can know the gender soon!" Jungwon started jumping happly around as Soomin just watched him while being a happy mess

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( random note ): remeber jee cho please ;)

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