Chapter 10

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I lunged for that fucker.

                John took a step out of reach, causing me to stumble. I didn’t care. I pulled my fist back, ready to smash it in his face.

                “Clayton, stop!” Sofia screamed, grabbing my arms and holding me back. I felt anger pulsing my blood, running through my veins. I jerked out of her grip, grabbing John by the collar of his shirt.

                I pulled him up off the ground, gripping his collar tightly. “I’m going to kill you. You son of a Leech. I’m going to make you hurt.”

                “Clayton, let go!” Sofia yelled, trying to pull me away. I pulled my fist back, ready to slam it into John’s stomach.

                Sofia grabbed my wrist, holding it back. I turned to face her.

                “Stop it!” Sofia hissed, “Not now! Back. Down. Clayton.”

                The fierceness in her voice shocked me. I hesitated. My grip on his collar loosened. John exhaled slightly, pulling away from me. He leaned against the wall, a sly smirk across his lips.

                “Thank you.” Sofia hissed, giving my arm a tug. She pulled me a few feet away from John, positioning herself between us. The other girl remained at the door, shock clear on her face. She didn’t know what to do.

                I clenched my fists, trying to hold back the anger that flooded my body.

                I couldn’t believe she was holding me back from the one thing I had wanted to do since I arrived on the Girls’ Side.

                “I think we need to sit down and have a little talk before we go around slamming fists at each other.” Sofia said, looking directly at me.

                “That’s a good idea.” The other girl, Cassie, said hesitantly. John grunted a response sounding like an agreement to Sofia’s statement.

                Sofia held my eyes, waiting for my answer.

                “Fine.” I spat out.

                Her body relaxed from the tense position she had been in. Her eyes left mine, looking at Cassie. Cassie swallowed, walking around us to lead the way to the living room. I took notice how she avoided touching Sofia or me.

                John followed the girl. Sofia placed herself between us as we walked. She glanced back a few times, giving me a worried look.

                I was infuriated as to why we were doing this. I wanted to hurt him and then talk about everything. After all, he hurt me first. It was only fair.

                The room was bare, save for two long couches facing each other on opposite sides. John took a seat on the far one, relaxing into the leather cover. The girl sat down next to him, close enough so that their thighs touched. John took no notice to this.

                Sofia sat down in the middle on the remaining couch, giving me a look. I cautiously took a seat next to her, keeping distance between us.

                It was silent. No one spoke. My eyes were trained on John as I calculated the best ways to strangle him with my hands. He wasn’t paying attention, his attention focused elsewhere. The two girls stared at the ground silently.

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