52. A Favourable Turn

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That phone call was like a straw that appeared when Qi Le An was about to die. Qi Le An didn’t have the time or energy to think if it could save his life, he just grasped at it.

After hanging up, Chen Shan looked at Qi Le An and asked, “Are you out of your mind? You promised him you would do nothing about this!”

Qi Le An looked at Chen Shan and said calmly, “There is no better way.”

Chen Shan said anxiously, “I’m contacting people!”

Qi Le An shook his head and smiled bitterly. “Chen Ge, who would hate me the most for getting the part in Better Days?”

Chen Shan was stunned by this question.

Director Chen revealed that he was interested in casting an important role in Glory, the management knew that Director Chen wanted Qi Le An but others didn’t know that.

Could it be someone in Glory was determined to get the role, but Qi Le An, a starlet suddenly marched into the audition room and stole his role, and that somebody hated Qi Le An because of that?

Qi Le An immediately thought of Li Zhe Yu who participated in the audition with him, Li Zhe Yu was from Glory as well. Only three people were casting for the role of Cheng back then. Wu Ge, an artist from a small company, was a good loser. Only this Li Zhe Yu appeared as a big-headed poser from the beginning. It was not impossible that he had been nursing hatred against Qi Le An for losing the role.

For a poser like Li Zhe Yu, it was rare for him to wait this long to get back at Qi Le An…

‘Oh wait for a second, why were my birthday fan meeting’s tickets so pricy? Is Li Zhe Yu behind that?

Although Li Zhe Yu was just a poser himself, he was good at fawning upon the management. Furthermore, with his fan base, he could cause trouble.

Chen Shan’s face darkened and he said, “If it is Li Zhe Yu, then…”

Qi Le An hesitated. It didn’t matter whether it was Li Zhe Yu or not. What mattered was what Wei Chang Feng said to him.

His birthday wish was freedom, so…Wei Chang Feng had a plan already?

However, Qi Le An couldn’t tell Chen Shan what Wei Chang Feng said about his birthday wish. He felt like he needed to keep it a secret between him and Wei Chang Feng.

“So, Chen Ge, don’t make any moves yet. We can just wait and see.” Qi Le An said.

Chen Shan said with some irritation, “Wait and see? Do you know how terrible the power of paid posters can be? Aren’t you afraid of ruining yourself and your career?”

This was all about how you played the game. Even if Qi Le An now was losing online, he should quickly hold a press conference and explain clearly about his Uncle. But if Qi Le An didn’t do anything, people would think he had tacitly approved those posts.

Chen Shan was ready to call the media, but his plan was ruined by Wei Chang Feng. He was so annoyed to see the way Qi Le An obeyed Wei Chang Feng.

“Chen Ge,” Qi Le An said softly, “Wei Sama has always treated me well. He took care of me since my debut. I choose to believe him.”

Chen Shan’s heart sank to the bottom as he heard that. He sneered and said, “Then you just don’t believe me? Good! Very good! Remember what you said today! Don’t cry in front of me in the future!”

With that Chen Shan turned around and left Qi Le An’s room!

It was almost evening when the hotel staff drove away from the paparazzi and the reporters. However, Chen Shan’s storming out had caused some attention.

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz