Chapter 14: The Last

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This will be the last chapter. Following this will be bonus chapters: Lemons, Marriage, and Family. If you are not comfortable with those you can stop with this chapter.




You know what happens after Naruto talks with Minato. Sasuke and him go on to fight, you of course stand there bored and Sakura keeps telling you to stop them or something. You tell her the two are supposed to fight, because Sasuke needs to learn a lesson. You also tell her they will both be fine.

After a couple hours you guys head to where they were and they are laying on the ground each with one arm gone. So Sakura proceeds to scold and heal, what she's best at :P

"Well Sasuke. I'm glad you finally opened your small little eyes." You said sitting next to Sakura. He looked at you ready to say something but changed to say something else instead, "I'm still waiting for you to tell me exactly how the hell you got Sharingan." You deadpanned, "That's it, seriously? I'll tell everyone together, so be patient loser." You then poked his head like Itachi used to catching him off guard, "You'll find out once you hurry and save the freaking world. We don't have all day." 

After a few more minutes everyone headed back so Naruto and Sasuke could to the hand signs or whatever. Everyone slowly started waking up, you seen Tenten, Lee, and Hinata immediately run over to Neji when they saw him alive and standing. "Neji... But he..." Before Naruto finished he looked at you everyone's gaze following his, "Y/n, you-" You start nervously laughing, "What?! That's crazy!" You averted your eyes. "You're lucky it's only a year off your life and not ten, otherwise I would take another 50 for you acting so recklessly all the time!" 

"Says the one who's always reckless. But anyway, I couldn't just keep Neji dead now could I?" The other three were confused, even Kakashi, you didn't tell him about the reviving thing yet... "You're also lucky I can't get mad at you..." He said whispering but you heard it. "Aww! Naruto are you really worried about me?!" You pull him into a tight embrace, "Fine. From now on I'll ask you anytime I want to revive someone, ok?" He pulled away from you, "What do you want to revive more people or something?!" 

"I'm saying, just in case." Sakura buzzed in, "What are you guys talking about?" You and Naruto looked at her and said in unison, "We'll tell you later." She sighed.

"Right! Sasuke!" Sasuke looked at you, "I've got a surprise!" You opened a portal, "Tada!" Sasuke looked at you bored, "Am I supposed to be amazed or something?" You were confused so you looked into the portal, "Omg." Naruto laughed, "He must have got caught up with D/n and forgot." You tsked, "Be quiet I'll go get him." You walked through the portal and headed into the cottage.

"Itachi?" You looked around and saw Itachi sleeping with D/n on the bed, Omg I wish I could take a picture! Instead you opened the portal and peeked through to Naruto, "Naruto look at this." Naruto looked inside and laughed, "D/n is slobbering all over the sheets!" The other got confued and wanted to see but you didn't allow them, "Not just anyone gets the privilege to see him so unguarded. Nope I cannot allow anyone to see my brother while he's sleeping."

"Brother?!" The three asked in unison. "This D/n is your brother and he's sleeping and slobbering on sheets?" Sakura asked while you and Naruto laughed, "No no. D/n is the name of his dog." They nodded, "Then who's your brother?" Kakashi asked. "Y/n?" You turned back, "Ah, you're awake now?" Itachi nodded. "Then what are you waiting for? Don't keep your brother waiting." The others were curious to see who your brother was. 

When they seen Itachi, you could image the shocked looks, "I-Itachi?" You heard Sasuke mumble. "I'll let the two of you talk alone." You dragged Sasuke into the portal, "Now have a nice brotherly bonding experience, even if it doesn't involve me." You said fake pouting. You closed the portal and explained to Kakashi and Sakura.


The next couple months consisted of construction, medical attention, and such. In between it all you explained to everyone where you were from, how you got here, and the wishes you recieved. 

"Sounds like a good life to me. You can lay down all day without having to worry about training or annoying people." Shikamaru budded in. "Well let's just say, life in my world isn't all butterflies and rainbows." You laughed nervously. Everyone started questioning about your life before: what kind of person you were, what you did on a daily, how you came to know all about their universe, and such.

You were tired of all the questioning and Naruto took notice of this, "Alright everyone that's enough. Y/n and I are going back to our room." Most of them whined while others understood.


You were now laying in bed with Naruto. It was complete silence until Naruto spoke, "You know. This kind of reminds me of that day you stayed in my room with me." You looked at him, "Naruto we've been sharing this room for a bit now, be more specific." He laughed, "You know, that time I asked you about where you came from." You nodded, "Oh. What about it?" 

"It actually got me wondering. Who was that guy you said you loved? You said he saved your life. Doesn't he miss you?" You smiled, "Wait here for a second. I'll get him." Naruto looked at you confused. A minute later you came back with something behind your back, "Close your eyes." Naruto did as you said. A couple seconds passed, "Alright you can open them." 

Naruto opened his eyes to see his own reflection in a small mirror, "I don't get it? Is he a mirror? Is it yourself?" He asked looking at you to which you giggled a little, "Look at who's in the mirror, Naruto." He looked back at the mirror closely, it took a couple minutes but his eyes finally widened with realization and shock, "Me?!" He pointed to himself. 

"Yes you Naruto." You said placing the mirror on the nightstand beside you. You looked back him smiling and placed your hand on his cheek. You leaned in gently kissing him, he was a bit flustered at first but melted into the kiss. After sometime you pulled away and said, "You saved me. Many times actually." He looked at you curious, "But. How? We were in two different universes." You nodded, "We were. But, I was able to see you through a screen." "A screen?" You nodded and explained what a screen was.

"How did you see me on this screen?" He questioned. "Well, I watched this show called Naruto." You explained what a show or Anime was, whichever. "You're telling me. I'm the main character in this show named after me?!" His eyes sparkled and you nodded once more. "Ha! Take that Teme!" Naruto yelled at Sasuke who wasn't anywhere near to hear. You laughed at his antics. "Tell me more. How did I save your life?"




In the end just use your own story. How Naruto or some other character(s) or Anime(s) saved your life. I know Anime in general saved my life when I was at my lowest. I was very suicidal at a point and almost ended my own life, but I remembered Anime in that moment and realized I didn't want to die. Imagine, you don't know if you'll be able to continue doing what you love after you die. The only reason I continue living now is because of Anime. Others may think Anime is dumb, but it saved my and many others lives. Maybe it's the relatable characters, or funny moments, or maybe just everything about Anime in general. Look at me I'm exposing a piece of my life rn T.T 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is the end of the actual story. Well sort of, I'm going to write an episode about life after the war. Aka a lemon, marriage, and family. So you don't need to read on if you don't want.

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