Chapter Three

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Chapter Three|December 2018

"Where have you been spending Christmas these past four years?" Meghan asked me as we got ready to walk to the church for the Christmas service.

"Oh, I've been in spending it with Elias' family in Sweden," I answered.

William scoffed beside Harry as he eavesdrops on our conversation. I rolled my eyes.

"You and Elias make a good couple. Are there plans to get engaged?" Catherine asked me.

"Oh, we have no plans as far as I'm aware of to get married," I answered.

"Why not?" Meghan asked.

"I do not believe in marriage," I answered.

"How is that possible?" Catherine asked.

"Childhood trauma," I replied.

William walked off with Catherine quickly following him.

"Do you not plan to have children?" Harry asked me.

I chuckled.

"I can barely take care of myself; I would be selfish to bring a child into my dysfunctional life," I answered.

Harry shook his head.

Our father walked up to us.

"Adrienne, walk with me," Charles said.

"Okay," I said.


"I should have eaten some more," I muttered to myself as Charles, and I led the group to the church, with William, Catherine, Meghan, and Harry walking alongside each other and talking on the way to the service.

Both couples had to show the public that everything was good between them after reports of tension between the two couples had surfaced.

Kensington Palace issued a rare statement earlier this month to The Sun denying a report of an alleged clash between Meghan and Catherine.

I thought it was hilarious that the media believed the drama was between Catherine and Meghan when in reality, it was just William and Harry fighting like they always have since we were kids.

It wasn't a long walk, but after all the questioning from my family members and William giving me the cold shoulder, I was not in the mood to smile and wave at a crowd.

We didn't walk for long before we spotted the people lining the streets waiting for us.

There many people with some with signs, and they lightly cheered when they saw us.

"Merry Christmas!"

"Happy Holidays!"

"Princess Adrienne!"



"Smile, Adrienne," My father whispered to me.

I smiled as we greeted hundreds of onlookers during a Christmas stroll to a church service on the Sandringham Estate.

Following the service, we had shaken hands with the minister and greeted the essential members of the church, we started making our way out, and we stopped atop the small steps down to let the press photograph us together.

Then we greeted a large crowd outside the church. Well-wishers brought bouquets for the family and wished them a Merry Christmas as they walked by.

I stepped out and immediately went to greet the members of the crowd who had photos of me and collected the bears and flowers that they had waiting for me.

I talked to a couple and smiled at them as I bid them goodbye to start to make my way back to the house to pack my bags to head to Sweden to enjoy the new year with Elias and his family.


I was landing in Stockholm for some quality time with Elias. It felt like it had been forever since we had seen each other, but in reality, it had only been nearly a month since we saw each other.

I grabbed my bags as soon as they came around the conveyor belt, and I went to the nearest exit to find Elias. He texted me that he would be waiting for me.

I thought I had made it out of the airport without being spotted, but as soon as I made it outside the airport, I was met with flashing lights, the sounds of cameras clicking, and shouting my name.

Elias quickly got out of the car and grabbed my bags from me, and put them in the backseat of the car, and less me to the front passenger side before I lightly jogged to the driver side and got in and sped off, away from the crowd and cameras.

"I'm sorry, I should have gone in and got you myself," Elias said.

I shook my head.

"No, it's okay; I think this is the fastest gateway from the paparazzi I have ever been a part of," I said with a small laugh.

Elias chuckled.

"I remember your university days were horrible with all those paparazzi following you around," Elias said.

I frowned.

"My university days were my darkest," I said.

"I know," He said.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for making a light moment so dark so quickly," I said.

"It's alright, Adrienne; I know you're struggling," He said.

"So, how was your holiday?" I asked him to enlighten up the mood.

"It was terrific, but everyone wished you had joined us, but they loved your gifts," He answered.

"That's wonderful," I said.

"How was your holiday?" He asked me.

"I should have accepted your invitation to come to Sweden. Everyone was either asking me when we would get married or asking where I had been hiding. I wish they had ignored me as William did," I explained to him.

"I'm sorry your first holiday back with your family did not go well, but they want us to get married; I thought everyone would be against it," He said.

"Everyone is for it, but I'm against it," I said.

"I know you don't believe in marriage," He said.

"Yup," I said.

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