Chapter 10

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I angrily walked to my room, making sure to close the door behind me. I don't know how I slipped up like this, why did Kelly come out of my mouth.
I don't even love her no more, that is over and done with, not only that, she isn't even alive anymore, so I'm so fucking confused as to why she slipped out of my mouth. I sat on my bed and stared at myself in the mirror. Looking at myself, I seen my true form making its way out.
" Now how did you slip up like that?" My true form said to me. I followed the voice, when my eyes reach the eyes of the voice, I grew emotional.

" I- I really don't know" I covered my face in frustration.
" Do you miss Kelly?" He said

" No i don't, that bitch is gone, I killed her for a fucking reason, if I missed that bitch she would be here." I said now annoyed.

If your wondering who Kelly is; well Kelly is my ex lover, and ex bitch, I had captured her like 7 years ago and she fell in love with me within those years.
I fucked her every single night and every single morning, I only fucked her. I never had love for her at all, so when she got pregnant with ikigai I  got scared and killed the baby.
Like I said before, I didn't love her, I actually hated her, but she was to much of a good fuck to let her go.
After I killed my child, I secretly put her in the room Yaya found her in, but Kelly never knew I put her in there, she thought I killed it, and ate her soul.

I never told Kelly what I did to the baby because I wanted to break up with Kelly, and I thought she would hate me for doing it, and I hoped she would never want to see me again but, she actually liked that I killed the baby, she said from her own words that " I didn't need a demon spawn inside of me anyways, I would of killed it if you would of asked me to, because I love you, and a baby would get in between us, we don't need any distractions from no one, not even a baby."
Once I seen that there was no way out, I decided to end her, I never loved her at all, she was not the one I wanted. Kelly wouldn't love my children the way I wanted her to, she said no distractions. I would love every single child of mine that would be created from me, because the child would be special. I wanted to have my children with someone who I loved and who loved my children, I didn't love her and she didn't love my children.
I killed her by staring into her eyes putting her in a trance, I took her soul from her eyes, and then from the inside out, I ripped her body to shreds.
I fed her body to my dogs, they are not regular dogs with an dog appetite, they are vicious monsters, but they are my loyal babies so I reward them every once in a while.
I love Yaya I really do, I've did alot of fucked up shit to her, but she still stayed with me, and tried for me. She has changed me a lot, I hate to be a corny ass nigga, but she has. I really seen myself with, my spirit knew it first and now I know she is meant for me. I don't want her thinking I'm thinking about another bitch when I'm making love to her body, that's fucked up to her and she deserves a explanation.
"I don't know what to do" I said out loud.

" Wellll maybe you should tell her about me" I heard a familiar yet annoying voice of a woman I got rid of a long time ago.
I sighed heavily, getting irritated, she always comes at the wrong time.
"Kelly what the fuck are you doing down here?" I asked upset.
" woah baby, you don't miss me?" She asked with a smirk on her face.
"If you already wasn't dead I would kill you again bitch" I growled.
"Wellllll, good thing I'm already dead right" she laughed.
" Bitch ill torture you" I said while I looked her up and down in disgust.
" Bhris I'm not here to hurt anybody, I just want you to tell her about me" she said getting soft.
" Did you make me say your name, cause I damn sure wasn't thinking about you in that moment" I blurred out.

" Bhris what ever you said to her about me you wanted to say, that had nothing to do with me" she told me.
" listen" I said getting her full attention.
" I'll tell her about you today, but you have to leave here and never come back" I said.
" Never come back?! All this over some pussy?!" She yelled.
"She's not just pussy to me Kelly, I really love this girl" I said becoming soft as well.
I couldn't help it, I'll do anything for her, kill anything for her, I'm crazy for this woman, I'm crazy enough to kidnap her just so no other man can have her, or even look at her, i don't ever want the thought of another man to ever cross her mind, so I'll do my best to make sure she's happy so she won't even have to think about another man.
" Wow" Kelly said taken back.
"You really do love this girl" she said still in shock.
" I thought Bruno was lying but it seems no- "I immediately cut her off.
" Bruno?!" I screamed
" Yea, Bruno told me you've been happy with a human soul, you've been 'in love' she said.
" Well I am, you need to leave and tell him to stay the fuck out my business before I deck him in his shit again, then torture his motherfucking soul and make his fucking life a living motherfucking hell" I growled angrily.
" Damnn over some pussy?!" She joking said.
" I'm not Fucking playing kelly" I stared into her eyes letting her know I was dead fucking serious. I was not gonna play any games when it came to mines, I had to check my ex bitch about the next one because this one you not touching and neither are you coming near her. 
She stared at me from across the room, shocked at how serious I was. I can see why she would be shocked, at most bitches or any other bitch I would let her do what ever the fuck she wanted to them. It could be eating, killing, fucking, licking it didn't matter, I had no love for none of them, but with Yaya, all that shit flies out the window, because I've been personally waiting for specifically her.

Red Fire जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें