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It seems like forever since I have been in this dark room and ugh there's such a bad odor. I try to move but multiple ropes are tied around my waist ans wrist. I'm trying to set myself free before he comes back.

I start wriggling my hands, and rubbing the ropes against the back of the chair. I feel one of the ropes loosen and a sight escapes my lips as I manage to get my hands free. I then work of removing the ropes around my waist and feet.

I set myself free and run carefully towards the door without making any sound.

I guess all these times watching movies finally paid off.

I try to open the door but of course it's locked. I look around me and find a window. I run towards the table and move it so now it is just under the window. I climb the table and try to reach the floor. As my hand touches it, I lose my balance and fall backwards making a loud sound. I get up, ignoring the pain and try to reach the window again. 

As I open it, I hear his footsteps. OMG no! I jump out of it and I land on a ..... On a bed?

Great. I'm just in another room. I get up and walk towards the door. It is open... Yes.

"you little bitch! I'll catch you!" I hear him scream.

I run faster. I then  stop for a second to take a breath. I close my eyes taking a deep breath before running again. BAM! I walk straight into a strong wall. More like a chest.

"well, hello love" Jordan smirks. He holds my hands and starts dragging me behind him.

"you thought you could run away from me?" he asks and then lets out a laugh. "well, guess what? You can't." His laugh gets louder.

I take the first thing that comes in my mind, mu shoe, I hit him hard on the head with it.

I hit him several times and I see a bruise starting to form on his forehead. He lets go of my hand and holds him head, groaning in pain.

"guess what? I can." I say flipping him off before I start to run again.

"I'll kill you" I hear him scream. A tear escapes my eye as I run faster. I'm so fucking scared. What if he catches me? I don't want to die!

I finally get out of the house. I look around and all I can see is trees. I hear a loud footsteps coming from everywhere. My heart starts to beat faster as I hear a gunshot. I turn around and see the police. I smile but then my smile grows bigger when I see Harry. Niall is standing right next to him.

"Louis" Harry calls out. I watch as the police handcuff Jordan.

Harry runs toward me and wraps his strong muscular arms around me. I bury my face into his shirt and tears starts to fall from my eyes uncontrollably.

"Harry I..... I was so scared. I thought I-"

"shhh baby, it's fine, you're safe now. I'm here." he says and kisses my  forehead.

He moves away and takes my face in his hands "you're bleeding" He frowns and clenches his jaw.

"it doesn't matter. I'm fine" I say smiling sadly.

"no, you're not." He takes a tissue from his jeans' pocket and wipes away the blood that's on my face. He frowns when he notices that I'm shaking. "are you cold? Wait here baby, I'll be back."

He runs towards his car. He opens the door and takes out his fluffy jacket and runs back.

"here, wear this" He wraps it around me and it is so big that it reaches my thighs.

Or maybe I'm too small.

"what about mom and dad? How are they? I've missed them so much."

"they're so worried about you. They came back immediately when we told them about you going missing. They barely even slept these past few days. We all barely slept." he looks at me for a few seconds and then smiles "you have no idea how worried I was"

I open my mouth to say something but before I could, he kissed me. He rubs his thumbs on my cheek and bites my lower lip asking for entrance.

"Hey lovebirds, I'm not trying to ruin your little moment here, but we need to get Louis to the hospital." Niall says. We break the kiss and I blush.

"it's not really necessary. I'm fi-" before I could finish my sentence, a pain shots in my back "ugh okay, I'm not fine."

Harry laughs. He holds my hand and kisses my cheek. We walk towards his car and sit in the back as Niall first takes us to McDonald's drive thru and then hospital.

I rest my head on Harry's lap and close my eyes.

"I love you Louis" I hear him whisper in my ear.

"I love you too Harry" I say before falling asleep.


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