The birthday ball

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The screen opened up in a large bedroom with a bed made of gold that has a girl sleeping peacefully in her body under the covers and hair spread out on her pillows.

Everyone even the pure bloods looked at the room in shock seeing all that gold for just one room for a girl which had everyone thinking 'how much money do they have?'

Theirs a knock on the door before a woman in her late 40s comes in wearing a purple dress with a white apron around her body and a pink hat on top.

She walked towards the closed curtains and opened them before doing the same to the old windows before she moved towards the bed and looked at the girl.

Mrs Potts: Victoria it's time to get up for breakfast

Her voice was gentle whilst moving the covers off the girl and folding it at the end of the large bed causing the girl to shiver before one hand went to her eyes and rubbed them whilst she sat up.

Victoria: good morning Mrs Potts

Mrs Potts: good morning dear and happy birthday

And tired Victoria looked at the woman who smiled at her kindly before her words sunk in and her eyes widened before she jumped out of bed.

Victoria: it's my birthday!

Many couldn't help but aww at the excitement on the girls face and in her voice. Victoria blushed and looked away in embarrassment until hearing the boy next to her chuckle causing her to face him and looked shocked.

"What your cute Vic" he said playfully causing her to lightly punch his arm and look away.

Mrs Potts walked began to make Victoria's bed as she went to brush her hair at her golden vanity mirror.

Mrs Potts: now dear guests will arrive at noon so you will have time to eat breakfast with your parents and read before you need to be dressed.

A muggle-born turned to the Emrys girl "guests? What's are you having guests for?" He asked in which many nodded whereas most of the pure bloods smiled as they remembered that day.

"You'll find out" Sirius replied bored looking at the screen.

Victoria: thank you Mrs Potts, I'll see mother and father now have a good day

Victoria stood up and walked towards her door with a smile on her face before looking around the hall and behind her again when she saw it was empty and the older woman wasn't looking she ran down the Halls and down a flight of stairs.

Mrs Potts: she always has to run

She said as she shook her head a joking smile on her face before walking out the room.

Victoria sat on the railing of the stairs before sliding down into the main hallway that lead to the front door. She walked slowly and elegantly towards an open door to see her parents their eating quietly with a book and the daily profit in a hand.

Roland: ah Victoria happy birthday my little girl

Miranda: good morning darling

Victoria: morning mother and father

Victoria sat down and watched as a servant placed a plate of toast on the table thanking him before she ate

Victoria: when are amber and James arriving father?

James turned towards her "who are they?" He asked not noticing her clutch a amulet around her neck with a sad smile she answered him "my older siblings" leaving many shocked whilst many professors shared a look between them.

The life of Victoria Emrys: watching Harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now