Oh, Hi Jack

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Sweeping my way into the joint I briefly survey my surroundings before heading towards the counter.

"Hello! I'd like to order a large burger, fries and Dr Pepper." The teen behind the counter nodded looking at the screen in front of him, "and for you?" The doc looked clueless.

I held in a giggle and ordered the same for him. 

"Don't worry doc, you'll love it." He raised a brow as I paid and lead him over to a table in the corner. 

"So, what is it exactly that your ordered me?" I rested my face in my hand looking around the room again taking in the people. 

"Food, duh." I repeat my action a few more times before I feel satisfied that no one I know is in sight.

"Ok, so. Doc where would the best race be?" He tilts his head, mimicking my pose. "Wouldn't you know the answer to that, you like to race." I shrug leaning to the left where I could see out the window next to us.

"It's been a while now Doc, I'm kind of out of the loop."

"(Y/n)?" I look to my right and my eyes widen. 

Oh shit.

It's Jack, Miko and the short one. 

"Oh.... Heeyy Jack." He looked down at me with a face of disbelief. "You were kidnapped by a robot alien, then avoid me for weeks and all you say is 'HEY!?!'" His voice raised in anger near the end of his sentence as I stared up at him, my face as blank as a piece of paper.

I nod, glancing at Knockout who was sat stiff glaring the trio down. 

"Hey Doc, can you go wait in the car. I need to talk to my brother and his friends." Knockout nods and swiftly leaves. I listen to the static in my ear as he turns on the comms announcing is request for a bridge further away. 

Welp, too late now.

I gesture to the opposite side of the table. "Well, are you going to stand there all day?" They sat in front of me all staring. 

"Are you ok?" Jack demanded. I scoffed looking at him, "obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be here." 

He proceeded to ask me questions, most of which I answered with more questions, or just evaded with half-truths and lies.

"Come with us, please." Miko exclaimed loudly.

Are they really going to take me to the autobots? already?

"Fine, whatever"


This is going to be fun.

𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖  // SoundWave x Reader (((DISCONTINUED)))Where stories live. Discover now