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Hushed whispers filled the lecture hall as the students slowly filed in. Luca scooted into the row at the far back, taking a seat next to another group of Seniors. December followed, sitting right beside him. Aurora was left with the aisle seat next to December. She pushed down the stadium style chair, and it squealed like claws on a chalkboard. Aurora gritted her teeth against the sound before brushing her white, silk dress under her butt and taking her seat.

She leaned in close to December, so her shoulder pressed up against his. She wanted to feel him against her. After everything that happened last night, she was still completely freaked out. Being near him made her feel safer.

He didn't shift away at the contact like he had in the library, but he didn't lean into her. He didn't put his hand on hers and comfort her. Instead, he reached over his shoulders with both hands and flipped his hood over his head.

Aurora bit down on her lower lip. Something was off with him.

They'd both been terrified last night when they found Malcom petrified in the woods. They rushed back to the fire pit and sent all of the students still partying there out of the woods. After following the rest of the stragglers back up to campus, December walked Aurora to the girls' dorm. They paused outside the door. Aurora's entire body shook as he pulled her in and hugged her.

"We'll talk about it in the morning," he said. His warm breath brushed over her forehead. "I can't think straight right now."

"Neither can I," Aurora said. She pressed her face into his chest, breathing in his scent. It reminded her of fresh snow on pine trees in the middle of winter.

"At least we made sure everyone made it back tonight." December paused. His hand squeezed her arm lightly. "We need to talk to Luca about it, too. He knows more than we do about all this. His father is involved somehow."

"Okay," Aurora said. "You're right."

December kissed her on the top of her head, and his grip on her tightened. "Are you going to be all right tonight?" He brushed one hand through her hair, his fingers catching in the tangles. "If you want, you can sleep in my room. I won't do anything. I just . . . I want to make sure you're safe."

He traced the curve of her cheek until he reached the corner of her lips. Aurora's heart raced in her chest, and her skin tingled. She was still shaken from the fear and the shock of what they'd discovered, but also, the surge of connection rushing between them had her head spinning. It was like the pull of a magnet. She wanted to lean into him and kiss him. She wanted to curl up next to him as they slept, feeling his warm body against hers.

She had to resist it, though. "I'm okay," she said instead, even though it made her heart hurt. Did she really have to resist him like this? What if she could just be with him and not have to worry about anything else? Could she do that?

"Okay," December said. "I'll see you tomorrow, then."

Aurora pinched her eyes shut, for a moment considering going back and asking to stay with him tonight. "Okay," she finally said instead. "Eleven am in the library?"

December nodded. "I'll make sure Luca's there, too."

Aurora rose to her toes, leaned in, and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Goodnight, December." She ran her hand down his arm as she turned and headed into her dorm.

December's MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant