To earn hope, someone must die

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Chapter One

He felt the misfortune left his face and was welcomed to a marvelous view of amber eyes belonging to the man crouched down in front of him. Lost in its wonder, like a starry night that gives off an incredible feeling that he can't quite describe. The man's eyes were truly a prepossessing sight. A canvas that you don't entirely understand but depicts something that stirs your soul to look at it more.

The man's cold caress brought him to a conscious state. An unmindful touch that made him tingled in discomfort. It only lasted for a minute and perhaps out of concern but he noticed the blood inked the man's palm. The scratches were bleeding, that's the reason why there was a slight sting!

“How concerning. You have such a beautiful face and now it's been damaged by this feral's claws.” He spoke in tenderness with a mix of admiration and regret. The man leaned closer to him. Their faces near each other but for some reason, he didn't mind the closeness.

He was just too happy to even care! Happy that he was noticed when he normally wasn't. “Beautiful? You think I'm beautiful? My mother never complimented my looks! You're the first!”

Even then, when his mother was still alive. He never once heard her speak softly nor look at him with loving eyes. Instead he spent his childhood days, alone and in need of familial love but disappointment was the one who knocked on his door.

So hearing the man's compliment made his day! He was already in euphoria with the news of being an Ultimate and even happier with what he heard! He couldn't help but feel intense gratitude!

This is one of those days he'll surely cherish!

The man's gentle eyes dimmed and is now replaced with vague surprise. “That's… that's surprising to hear. She should have whispered sweet words to you. With that beauty, how could she have overlooked it?”

“But look at you, you're a mess.” The gorgeous male lifted his chin and his heart hammered nervously. The man's touch was like a jackhammer drilling through, making him feel anxious for what's about to come. “Fortunately, I'm always ready if a situation arises.”

The man let go of him as the man's hand reached out for something in his pocket, leaving Nagito breathless.

“Oh, wrong pocket, I apologize…” The man had now only realized that the pocket he was shoving his hand into was in Nagito's pants…

The man coughed, composing himself and finally reached out for the right pocket; Bringing out a small first aid kit.

“Sadly, there's no water… this substitute might be too painful for you, dear but there's not much I can do.”

He was laying like a dead man on the hard ground, waiting for the sun to heal his wounds and it didn't disappoint. A stinging sensation enveloped him, the moment the sun's hand disinfected his bleeding scratches. “Here… however, I'm not certain if this could help ease the sting but no matter, it must be cleansed immediately…”

But this time, the gentleness was there to feel. The man was so careful on tending his wound and that feeling of softness was foreign to him.

It made his heart ache.

The man softly traced the outline of his lips, “Even your lips are blemished. I wasn't the one who took damage but why is that I sympathize? I feel regret for your lips that were desecrated…” The man had a baffling compassion to his voice and it boosted his whirling mind. It was so new to him that Nagito could only look away because the man's eyes were too much for his palpitating heart.

Guilt was it? Was it guilt that drove him to hold the man's hand? Is it because of that kindness and it didn't feel deserved?

The man was abruptly interrupted by Nagito, he paused and the cotton was left midair. He was anticipating Nagito's words.

Adventures of Nagito KomaedaWhere stories live. Discover now