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~ The Archer  ~

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.....~ The Archer ~....

They enter and see Astraea holding on to her step farther and Percy in pain as Azria is trying to calm her down.
There eyes go towards Athena,Tara and Annabeth trying to figure out what is wrong with her

Flash back ~

The three goddess's have just left the hall.

"I think we should wait for them to get back, before we continue"Azria says closing the book and laying it down.

"I wonder what there talking about out there"Astraea mumbled to Percy as she leaned on him.
"I don't know babe"he said kissing her forehead.

Time skip:

Everyone was just talking amongst themselves,when Astraea let out a hiss of pain and gripped Percys arm

"Wow wow what's wrong"he asked concerned for her
"I don't ko-aaaagh"she said as another hiss of pain left her mouth

Percy looked at Athena,Annabeth and Tara who just look as confused and concerned as he did then the three goddesses walked into the hall looking a mixture of emotions

Aphrodite looked happy yet concerned
Hera looked confused
And Hecate looked conflicted and confused

But when they looked at the Demi-god doubled over in pain they instantly made there way over to her

"Baby what's wrong"her mother (Aphrodite) said rushing over forgetting what was said outside.
"I don't kno-ahhh"she said as another burst of pain struck her (magic) core

"What's going on?!?"percy asked looking at the three goddesses,whom look slightly guilty
"We'll she had some magic dampeners of her core so I asked Hecate to take them of not realising it would hurt this much" Aphrodite spoke up looking at her daughter then her daughters father and headmaster.

"She can take some of these herbs to ease the pain"Apollo said handing Ares the bottle as Percy was holding Astraea and he was next to her

"Thank you"she said sitting up slightly at taking the herbs

"Okay let's continue then shall we?"Azria asked causing everyone to reply with a small nod as she picked up the book,opens it and began reading

Sirius POV:

Aphrodite has just left the hall with two other goddesses,she better not try and get Astraea to marry that other boy, what's his name, Perry,yeah him,she's going to marry Harry wether she likes it or not.

I looked over at Harry,who was starting at my 'child' who was leaning on that boy,with Envy and jealousy swimming in his emerald eyes, merlin he is like the kid I never had.

I was cut of by my 'child' crying out in pain, great what's wrong with her know, I looked and saw Harry about to walk over to her when that Weasley girl, Ginny is that her name, pull him down next to her.

Then the three goddesses enter the hall and immediately go over to Astraea,say something,when Aphrodite turns to look at Albus and I with a glare,

Then Astraeas friend starts reading....


This trip, I was determined to be good. All the way into the city, I put up with this Nancy Bobofit, freckly red–head kleptomaniac girl, hitting my best friend, Grover, in the back of the head with chunks of peanut butter-and-ketchup sandwich.
"Where's Astraea??"Hermione questioned only to be ignored,causing her to huff in annoyance.

Grover was an easy target. He was scrawny. He cried when he got frustrated.He must've been held back several grades,because he was the only sixth grader with acne and the start of a wispy beard on his chin. On top of all that, he was crippled. He had a note excusing him from PE for the rest of his life because he had some of some kind of muscular disease in his leg. He walked funny, like every step hurt him, but don't let that fool you. You should've seen him run with it in Shalla day in the cafeteria.

Anyway, Nancy bobofit was throwing wads of  sandwich that stuck  in his curly brown hair, and she knew I couldn't do anything to her because I was already on probation. They had best I had written to me with death-by-in-school-suspension if anything bad, embarrassing, or even mildly entertaining happen on this trip.
"I would have killed her"Astraea said as if it was nothing,were as the students of hogwarts stared at her seeing there golden girl  act in a different way.

' I'm going to kill her,' I mumbled.
Grover tried to calm me down.' It's okay. I like peanut butter.'
He dodged another piece of Nancy's lunch.
'That's it.' I started to get up, but Gourga pulled me back to my seat
' you're already on probation,' he reminded me. ' you know who'll get blamed if anything happens., looking back on it, I wished I'd decked Nancy Bobofit right then and there.
"I really wish I would of"Percy mumbled earning a small smile from the girl

A/N:sooooo you guys apparently really wanted this chapter really bad so here it is

It's a bit longer than normal

Also I mad a TikTok it called

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