Chapt 1

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"Y/n you ready?!" I here my mom call out for me "ya! Just got to finish packing a few things!" I yell back "and.... Done!" I smile to my self as I check over all the things I need for the trip. I start walking down the stairs as I trip "AAAAAHHH" as I fall down my fission blurs.

I wake up in a strange forest? What? I was just in my house? I start freaking out "where am I!?!" "mom?" "MOM?!" Well she doesn't seem to be around here "ok....what to do incase of an mom!" I pull out PHONE! Well I guess that's not an option.I fall to the ground, leaning against a tree and cover my face with my hands "aaaaa what do I do now? U have no idea where I am, I don't havemy phone, and WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH MY SKIN?!" I get a headache and my vision blurred AGAIN I pass out.

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