Chapter Twenty

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Jason didn't know what he was feeling. Blake hadn't slept in the same cabin as him for the past four days. He watched Blake every night through the grimy windows of a cabin. Blake would touch the other girls and they'd giggle and moan as Blake undressed them. He'd thrown them on the bed and climb on top of them his cheeky smirk looking down at them. He was usually with the girl "Chloe". Jason learned her name from Blake yelling it out as he came.

Although Jason did find pleasure in Blake being dominant he was filled with jealousy and anger. That wasn't him he was touching. Blake was acting like a counselor, a horny teenage one at that. Jason was furious. The more he watched the angrier he got. By the fourth night he held his machete in his hands and squeezed the shit out of it.

He was done with Blake's bullshit. Blake had came to his camp grounds, annoyed him and teased him. He took away his innocences and introduced him to the shit world of relationships, feelings and sex. Jason never even knew what feeling horny was like until he met Blake. He's a bad egg as he's mother would say. He ruined Jason's peace and quiet.

Blake made the town believe that Jason was gone for good. Now a bunch of teenage girls run around with tiny bikinis threatening to fall off. Boys chasing them laughing knowing they're exact intent. One laughed the loudest though, one of the boys was the closest to the girls, they were all over him. His black hair and blue eyes would make anyone fall for him. Jason wanted to kill him. He loves those blue eyes but he won't be pushed around. He won't be treated the same way he was when he was a kid. His mother would be disappointed and he didn't want that.

Jason had to do what Jason did best, kill.

His first victim would be Chloe. Although it was impossible seeing as Blake was always there near her, she had to go first. He had to see the anger in Blake's eyes. He wanted to test Blake see if he'll break character or would he simply run around like a headless chicken.

It was lunch time, the bell had rung and the others ventured in for food. Chloe stayed out though stating she wanted to do yoga in the woods. Jason hid behind trees slowly creeping up. He watched her effortless bend her body in different shapes. Chloe was focused on her breathing. Her freckled cheeks pushed out as she entered a position Jason found quite familiar from watching her through the window.

His blood boiled once again knowing well she was practicing for Blake. He stalked towards her, twigs breaking under his worn black  boots. She heard him, screamed and started to run the option direction. Her arms flung about as she made her best effort to run away from the crazed killer.

Jason effortlessly caught up with her and grabbed her by the ponytail. He yanked her back and shoved the machete straight down into her neck. Blood splattered out and Jason smiled beneath his mask as she gasped for air and her eyes screamed fear. Now that was probably his most satisfying kill to date.

Blake's POV
"Now that was a sexy lunch" I hummed as we exited the main cabin after lunch.

"Not as sexy as that piece of ass Chloe" Jacob said slapping my back and running off towards the lake. They all began splashing and messing about once again. Me on the other hand  turned the other direction towards the woods to find the piece of ass. My balls were turning blue already.

After treking through the forest and passing countless trees taller than my will to live, I finally found her yoga matt, expect it was abandoned. My heart raced, what if Jason got her? My thought was confirmed as Jason popped out from behind a tree a few meters ahead of me. He waved the bloody machete at me in a friendly manner. His head tilted to the side, he look adorable, for a man that just murdered my side piece.

"Really?" I questioned folding my arms and staring at him. He simply shrugged and walked off. God only knows where he's put that body. I decided to play along with this, I won't break character. I quickly ran back to the lake ensuring I looked panicked.

"Guys come here quick" I put my hands to my mouth to echo my yell. They all swam to shore looking anxious and nervous.

"What's wrong Blake?" Jasmin asked worried.

"I can't find Chloe, she'd never just abandon her three hundred dollar yoga matt out in a forest" I said looking towards the general direction.

"Blake's it's okay, I'm sure she'll come back in a few hours, in the mean time let's get a start on cleaning those bathrooms" Jordon the head counselor put his hand on my shoulder. I just nodded and walked in the same direction as everyone else.

If Jason wants to play the jealous type then I'll play the whore. He can kill them after I've fucked them.

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